Traveling (Sunny)

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I knew she was spontaneously taking this trip, but I also knew her family wasn't happy with it, based on what she told me. I was working on a embarrassing surprise for her though. It was getting late and I knew she probably wasn't awake on the plane, so I didn't text her. I don't sleep a lot, but I didn't want to be late to pick her up, so I would just stay awake.

I looked at my phone as it lit up with a text. I read the name. "American Husband." I chuckled to myself. I knew she had mine as "London Husband." Little gender fluid American. I picked up the phone to see what she said.

-Sunny, the man next to me is drunk off his ass.

-Kiss him.

-No Sunny. What the hell?

-Pussy. Put your headphones in and ignore everyone then.

-You're coming to America next time.


I hoped the rest of her trip was okay though, I didn't wish her to be uncomfortable. I knew she didn't like to feel vulnerable and she would mentally shut down if uncomfortable. She'd either shut down or she'd snap. She's a firecracker or a dog on short leash that her owner couldn't hold onto. She's got a short fuse and she didn't hold back. Luckily, I've never been on the end of that.

I drove to the airport and grabbed my box. I went inside and ordered her a frozen coffee with vanilla. She's simple. I went inside and I walked around in a circle, waiting for her plane to land. I knew I got here before her, but that she'd be here soon. She didn't text me that she was landing, so I assumed she fell asleep. Hopefully the drunk asshole wouldn't wake her. I finally saw her plane landed and I could barely sit down, so I put the box on my head and held up my sign. I knew her reaction would be perfect.

I watched people walk out of the tunnel and I looked anxiously for her. Then I saw her. She was looking around and when she got sight of me, she put her hand over her mouth. I had painted a box red, white, and blue and put a face hole in it. I had a poster with her name on it and a bunch of my favorite quotes that she said. She was definitely cursing me out in her head, she still ran to me regardless.

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