Ch 65: After all this time

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Waiting for the retrieval party to return was like pulling teeth, slow and agonizingly painful. The group knew well enough that there'd be a high chance for danger, the Dark Lord's will had stretched far throughout London. He would stop at nothing to be rid of his rival Harry. I felt incredibly wired having that said knowledge with no ability to help whatsoever.

Biting the tip of my thumb, I paced back and forth in front of the door. They had been gone for several hours now, the setting sun now finally lowered as the night sky stretched across. I knew it was a long ride to the Dursleys' old home, but they should have been back by now. On l

"Careful now, if you pace any faster you'll create a divet in the floorboards." Ginny laughed as she sat in the middle of the couch with her legs pulled in.

"I'm just worried." I looked back to the door for what was probably the dozenth time.

"They'll be back soon, fretting won't help any." She waved her hand dismissively.

I hit my lip nervously, leaning over. I looked through the curtains and window in hopes to see familiar brooms riding in from the sky. No luck.

"It's nice to know I was right all along though." Ginny sighed, placing her hands behind her head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.

"You fancying my brother." She grinned, "always has a hunch yah know."

"Ah, that." I noted. Apparently, voices traveled throughout the burrow and her room wasn't that far and heard the whole thing. That was her explanation. I believe she had snooped when things got interesting and sat at the top of the steps. I had yet to get her to admit it.

"Does that mean I can call you my sister now?" She asked, insinuating other actions.

Clearing my throat, I looked away. "I've yet to confess to your brother. And that's if he feels the same."

"Oh he does alright," she grinned. "I've seen the way he stares."

"Your mother said the same thing." I narrowed my eyes confused.

"There were many who noticed, there was even a bet going on in the Gryffendore house when you three were in school." She nonchalantly let out.

"What?" I asked, whipping my head to her.

"Oh yeah," she leaned. "Started in your sixth year, they betted how long it'll take."

I sighed inwardly. "Am I really that oblivious?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" She tilted her head. When I didn't respond, she chuckled. "Then to answer, incredibly so. Though it's understandable, you have grown used to just being friends with him for so long it was hard to see otherwise or that he could feel otherwise."

"It doesn't help that he's the first I've actually seriously liked." I quietly muttered.

"Really?" She asked curiously.

Leaning against the door frame, I crossed my arms over my chest. "At first I considered the one I met from Durmstrag named Nikolaus, he had seemed nice. Though no matter how hard I tried, nothing." I shrugged.

"Feelings are weird like that," she chuckled softly.

"Speaking of feelings," I smiled as I pushed myself off the doorframe. Making my way over to the couch, I sat down beside her. "You and Harry?" I grinned.

She turned her attention from me, looking away.

"I've seen the two of you, you're cute together." I smiled.

Fred Weasley x Reader (slow and Steady)Where stories live. Discover now