Ch 62: Fissure

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Warning: minor blood/violence

???? Pov

A man stands in a deep alley way of Diagon Alley, his breathing ragged and uneven. His body hunches over from the pain as his insides churn, the poison still taking its effect. His body had started feeling like small pieces of glass had made it's way into his bloodstream and multiplied, the pain was unending, small pricks covered his body in waves. There was the possibility of going to a supplier to rid himself of the poison, but there'd be no time, the venom always acted much faster, this was a type you would need the antidote on hand. And there was no bloody way that he was going to St. Mungos for help, not a chance. His eyes shifted with urnest, there was supposed to be someone here, he specifically called for them; he'd have a few choice words with the man who hired him. His eyes flicked to the end of the alleyway, the sun had began to set and the blue skies began to turn to a deep reddish color, night would come soon.

If only the man would get there sooner, maybe for the inconvenience of his experience his employer would either give him some more money, or better yet, up the pay he was originally given. Yeah, that's what he would ask from him. When his employer had originally summoned him, he seemed like a calm and reasonable one, he was sure that the employer would happily compensate, especially with him having such a deep interest in the witch.

"That stupid woman, in the end she ended up killing two of my men, and Merlin knows what'll become of my third. Stupid poison. Why wasn't I notified?" The man angrily mumbled, doubling over as he winced in pain.

A snapping sound echoed behind him, the one who he had been waiting for finally arrived. Turning around, he took a step back in surprise. Instead of his original employer, a well kept man with a button down suit and combed back blond hair stood before him. His eyes were an Icey gray. Nothing like the other man.

"Who are you? You aren't who I sent for?" The man demanded, now gripping his elbow. The black hair had begun to grow further up his arm. The blasted woman.

"The master is terribly busy, so he sends me in his stead. He is terribly sorry to cause such confusion." The man in the suit spoke out, his tone hinting an accent, one the other couldn't place but it wasn't a London accent. The same as his employer.

"Fine whatever, you'll do just fine." The man muttered. "Tell your boss that he neglected to tell me that the bloody woman is also a herbalist. She killed three of my men!" He nearly shouted, his head looked over his shoulder.

"I am terribly sorry, that information didn't seem important enough to add in." The suited man answered, almost bored, examining his finger nails.

"Not important!? That's incredibly important, the bloody woman threw some weird dust at us and two of my men ingested it, the other on the brink of death. Saying something about puffapod and Doxy venom!" He angrily explained, showing the black fur on his arm.

"An oversight," the other man shrugged. "More importantly, did you retrieve the woman?"

"No, she apparated away after she blew it on us," the man glared looking away.

"Do you have a lead as to where she is now?"

"No... one of my men tried to grab her and follow as she apparated, but she changed course. We believe she's splinched herself in the process, pretty badly we presume by the amount of skin and blood that was left there." He explained, and muttered "wouldn't be surprised if the bloody woman bled out."

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