Ch 35: Meddling Toad

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Before my hand could grasp the large handle on the doors on the school, a large calloused hand grasped my bicep pulling me swiftly away; my other arm still outstretched. Eyes wide in surprise I let my body get pulled backwards by whoever had grabbed me, their grip wasn't hurtful nor was the strength behind them pulling showing any malice, so I knew that I was in no immediate harm at the very least.

Turning my head around to see who had grabbed me, it had been Fred. The expression on his face had been filled with brief concern.

"Wait, what's going on?" I asked, my voice stammering as the two led me off to the side of the castle.

"Don't worry, we're just going somewhere off to the side" Fred explained, releasing the grip off of my arm; lowering my arm I walked in stride with them.

When the two stopped walking, I looked at either of them waiting for who would speak next. "Spill it," George asked. His tone had been as serious as his brothers.

"Nothings wrong," I argued.

"Codswallop, you were livid just a moment ago" Fred argued back, narrowing his eyes.

"We've never seen you this angry before" George added on, his expression more concerned than anything.

I looked at both of them confused, "what do you mean? The both of you have seen me angry plenty of times"

Their expressions softened as Fred replied "you mean the reactions you had whenever we pranked you?"

"Yeah" I answered, nodding my head.

"I wouldn't call that angry," Fred laughed.

"It looked a lot like you had been more annoyed than anything," George added, their faces now turning into grins.

"You are right brother, all those times she reacted to our pranks she was annoyed. Seeing y/n now, she looks truly angry. It's adorable" Fred teased.

Narrowing my eyebrows in annoyance, I shoved the two of them, this only encouraged them to laugh even more.

"In all seriousness," Fred sighed as he finished laughing "what happened at the hut?"

I looked at the two of them as they stood there waiting expectantly, letting out a huff of defeat. My shoulders slump and I ask them "You're not going to stop bugging me aren't you?"

"Nope," George grinned.

"Not a chance," Fred agreed, grinning.

"Fine, I had gone over to go help the Professor with one of the classes like I normally do, and after class Umbridge waddled up to do her usual inspection" I started, as the twins snickered "She had asked why I had been there and not studying, the teacher politely explained that I was helping her in class for experience because of my job choice"

"How'd she handle that?" Fred asked,

Sighing, I reply "Not too well honestly, she told me I had more important things to do with my time. That my N.E.W.T.S. were incredibly important, and that my job depended on it"

"She said that when she talked about you not wearing your robe, the whole thing about how you should follow the rules" George pointed out, his eyebrows narrowing.

"She did yes, and the more she does the more she'll start to sound like a broken record" I sighed exhaustedly. "Anyhow, that's not even the worst part. She told me from now on I'm forbidden from helping out teachers with their classes unless I'm given permission from her, and if I'm caught doing so without permission-"

Fred Weasley x Reader (slow and Steady)Where stories live. Discover now