Ch 16: Things in Motion

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   Rushing out of my final class with Hagrid to water to share the news to keep to my usual schedule I rushed around trying to find the twins. They were typically always together, may they be apart it was common knowledge that the other wasn't too far apart. Plus, I had homework I had to get from them; I'd I was going to accomplish my goal, I didn't want the possibility of a single missing assignment to run my chance of making a good impression on the ministry.

       Plus I had no idea how they even acted out treated things  when it came to picking teachers, thing didn't seem to strict when choosing a teacher for defense against the dark arts. Then again, they had been awfully strict that Snape stay as potions and not his chosen profession.

    I was also rather eager to find them so I could begin working on my new room inside the bag. I had brought it up to McGonagall, and she explained a few tips on how to change the inside appearance to my desire; since no inner room with such enchantment never looked identical to the next. I could rearrange the majority of the room, make vast environments or large rooms with long tables for my pants, but she warned that even magic has its limits. I would still need to gather a lot of objects to hold my plants, and the seeds to grow them. I would also need to find the food for my creatures.

     I had been thinking about what I'd do with mine, how is decorate it. I would need a vast area to house all my plants so that I could safely grow them, an office to keep all my books on Herbology and how to care for all my creatures, plus I would need be a working area for making any medicinal remedies for said future creature, whichever they would be if I chosen or found. Finally, I would need an open space for the creators to properly be able to get their exercise and enjoyment. I had no desire to keep them as extremely caged up as most zoos did, didn't feel right since the majority were wild. But for now, all I had to cater to was my familiar p/n.

      After asking multiple people if they had seen the twins anywhere, I finally had a clue where they'd be. Well just Fred technically, apparently the two split off to do different things earlier. I just hopped Fred know where George was and if he was the one with my homework if either of them even remembered.

       Running passed everyone dodging and weaving through the large mass of students eagerly sending their school day or heading off to the next, I finally heard his loud laughter at the end of the hall. Although, moments later I realized he wasn't the only one there, there was another voice, one more feminine who had lightly laughed at a dorky joke he just made.

    Shaking my head at the corniness of the joke, I slowed my pace and his behind the wall of the entrance to a classroom. Peaking my head around carefully, I tried to get a glance at who he was talking to. I had never spied on the boys before, but there was a possibility he'd do something that both myself and George would laugh about.

     Learning forward, I saw just briefly who he was talking to and the pained feeling in my chest grew. The girl he has been making jokes like that too and making both of them laugh so much together has been Angelina. I slunk back to hiding in the small entranceway so I could at least hear them; the majority of the students had gone to class so it has made it easier to hear their conversation.

       "So Fred" Angelina continued.

     "So Angelina" Fred said back.

        Laughing she spoke again "so the day draws nearer to the Yule Ball" her sentence seemed to end as if she be were  asking him a question.

       "It sure is, about a month I believe" Fred spoke, the time implied he was thinking.

       "Have you found anyone to go with yet?" She asked.

Fred Weasley x Reader (slow and Steady)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat