Ch 22: Tensions Rising

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After the trial at the Black Lake, everyone went into full gear, the next two months blowing by without me even realizing it really. Winter had finally ended, and Spring had come back, the warmth on its way. The Seventh Years during this time were running around in attempts to prepare for their N.E.W.T.S. that would be happening for them within the next couple of months.

I had heard from a lot of them in the library during my study time that they were hoping Dumbledore and the teachers would be sparing and attempt to make it a little lighter on them since the Tournament was happening. By the looks on their faces, it seemed they knew it wasn't going to happen that way, these tests were too important.

The upper classmen weren't the only ones who were busily running around the school; Hermoine had her own plans she was attending to. She had continued her never-ending escapade to free any and all house elves she had come across, or at the very least tell others about it, trying to bring them to her cause. After Harry and Hermoine had stumbled into the kitchens of the school and noticed just how many house elves were used, it only caused her drive to free them to become all the greater.

She had run around the school handing out fliers and buttons in hopes of getting someone to understand. Not too many people were interested in listening, and I understood that part; they grew up in a life where all of that seemed normal, it would be very hard for them to think otherwise. I might not have grown up in a life like they did, but I still wanted to help out, at least try to encourage her; her persistence was admirable. So, when she handed me a pin, I happily pinned it to the strap of my bag.

The vast majority of the elves were happy with her company and attempts to make their life there a bit easier; hoping it would encourage them to stand up for their freedom, but Barty Crouch's house elf Winky did not want anything to do with it all. She was appalled at the idea of leaving her master, and attempting freedom; so, she spent a lot of her time grumbling and keeping free from Hermoine.

In my time during these two months after classes, I spent a majority of my time when I didn't have any homework, working on the garden in my bag, and just decorating it how I wanted. I had a general idea of how I wanted it, it was just initiating it was the issue.

Thankfully Professor Sprout happily gave me extra pots that she had no use for anymore, and any seeds for magical plants that I had wanted; she had been happy to do so since she enjoyed the thought of more students having the same desire to care for plants and its uses as she did. Neville happily helped me out as well, which made the process a lot easier. We were able to conjure up several tables within the room for the pots, testing out just how much this room could summon before you had to start bringing in your own things.

We had a small system set up, which was a nice touch. When one would walk in, to the left was a vast garden area with several long dark wooden tables with pots scattered about with soil with plants starting to grow. To the right was a small grassy field with soft areas for creatures if I got any to relax on, and pools of water to drink and swim in; there was a sky above, but it was a constant day time I was still trying to work out a way I could figure out a charm where the sky would change depending on where I was at in the world, helping out the plants and their growth and just stimulation for the animals to make it seem more realistic for them. Thirdly, tucked away in the back of the room was a small indentation into the wall with a long wrap around desk with different flasks and mixing bowls, empty bookshelves lined the walls ready to be filled with a variety of books. There was an empty space in the back of what would be my office area, I had a plan to possibly place a sleeping area in case it got too late in the night and would be better off sleeping in there. I was sure Hermoine would have a brilliant idea, I planned on asking for her help with that.

Our hands were constantly covered in dirt by the end of each day, but during that time, we were able to easily see the progress of how it looked, and we were proud. I think Neville also enjoyed it because he had someone with the same interest as he did, making the experience all the more fun. Which was partially why I had brought him in here, I noticed how much he yearned for someone that he could talk with about plants, and I wanted to help.

Fred Weasley x Reader (slow and Steady)Where stories live. Discover now