Her side of the story."

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James your drunk, I stumble down the stairs and see her she looks prettier than before, Are they both mine. What she gasps you heard me I hiss. Yes they're twins! I smile that must of been a hard birth it was she muttered. Good I laugh not feeling even an once sorry. You're going to pay me back for the pearls you took I grumble. I don't have that kind of money! I don't give a lick I growl before grabbing her by the throat why did you leave me! Her eyes fill up with tears I., I didn't want too she finally admits. It pisses me off even more but you did.

James no save it, I hiss. You're going to pay me back you're going to take care of our children and for us?" She whispers there is no us I growl you made that very clear when you made me realize you don't feel the same way about me as I do you. That's not true! Isn't it. You lie to me, you stole from me, you keep my children from me, you left me when I needed you! My father died the day you left. I'm sorry she mutters. He was a good man I nod what's it to you and I stalk away. I see Lucas holding a apple if you dare feed her! I swear I will kick you out. He sighs and takes a bite out of it.

It's suppose to snow tonight he informs me, you might want to take her out of there. I'll think about it I huff, uncle James? I see Ray and smile hi kiddo I want goodnighty hug!" I laugh and hug her go to bed goofball she dances silly can robin and Jane stay in my room? I nod and tickle her, goodnight Ray. Night night uncle James she mumbled before running upstairs. Thank you Lucas for what? Having Ray, it wasn't planned he smiles and slaps my shoulder. Remember snow he finally says before trailing after his daughter.

I huff and sit on the couch she deserves to freeze. I gather logs before the snow sticks and light them, James?" I heard crying from the cellar and I know it's to cold I'm coming baby I groan and rip off my blanket I see her eyes gloss over and I unlock the cellar I really want to beat the hell out of you, I'm cold." I know I whispers softly while wrapping her up if you weren't the mother of my kids, you still love me she nudges into my chest once I place her on the couch. I'm so angry at you! Her lips quiver. Still cold I ask but I can tell she's fallen asleep, Mom?" I see the little boy my son. She's asleep I smile realizing he does look a lot like me. He pouts she didn't say goodnight. Mama?" he gets close to her and kisses her cheek night night he smiles before rubbing his eyes and I can tell he's been crying alright let's go to bed your mom will be up in the morning."

I can tell it's day time because there's so much chatter, Uncle James get up lazy bones! Ray giggles while slurring her words. I'm up I smile while twirling her hair. You slept on the couch weirdo she smiles while hopping around the kitchen. I did?" No I say almost sarcastic did too!" She states no I laugh you dreamed it, quit your lying uncle James she pouts." I laugh did I lie?" Yes you did she stomps immediately making me grin okay I'm sorry." I see my son stare at his mother before sneaking a kiss. Morning mama." She peaks her eyes open before grinning morning baby, where's Jane?" She's still sleeping he says in a very proud way. Ray he mumbled wanna play hide and seek? She stares at him in deep consideration no I want to play dolls she screams and runs upstairs to her mother.

I sigh maybe your mother will play with you, he hides behind her hip and whispers will you mama? She nods and hides her face in the couch before counting. I grin and tell him he better hide. He jumps up and takes my hand leading me to the kitchen underneath the table mama will never find us he smiles. It brings me back to when we use to play as kids and I remember just how angry I am at her for leaving me. Robin? I hear her voice where are you?" He giggles so silently I know she couldn't of heard him but it doesn't matter because in that instant she snatched him found you!"

He laughs you got me!" I wanna play!" I see my daughter peak her little head around the corner mama I wanna play. Me play she giggles while covering her eyes and starts to count in a lazy order one, three, five, six, seven and ten!" Close enough I laugh before realizing her mother and Robin have both hidden. Daddy you're a bad hiding she points. Am not I pout while picking her up are too she mumbled where's Robin? He's hiding I smile while seeing he's hidden behind the couch with his mother.

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