Strawberry sailboat

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Father I can't even look at her! Send her away, me? I gulp while patting my sisters back. James doesn't respond but begs his father once again. Alright son I'll send her to school she'll come back when's she's older since you promised your sister and I still have debt.
"Fine do whatever he struts right past me like I'm invisible. Prick I whisper as he's father escorts me to a pink boat I'll see you again he smiles be safe." I nod thank you."

I hated it the first time, I huff I'll hate it the same the second! Why sister? Emily calls delighted. "Sea sickness I almost giggle she my reason for existing I smile pressing my fingers through her bleach blonde hair. We will be there soon." What were they like she whispers
The women were silly, James moody and the rest kind. Oh she sighs staring off into the distance, A few hours later she smiles to me I'm alright something she does out of habit I think at this point she's trying to convince herself. I laugh I'm not it's worse than the first time! Are we almost there she asks again like an impatient toddler. I nod and try to block the sun as we drift in.

It's like a castle she mumbled a few seconds later she gasps they're beautiful." I roll my eyes two gorgeous men ones brooding underneath a tree and the other is extending his arm to Emily she seems in a trance only fair it's the first man she's seen since we spent all our time studying. Father the red head is mine." The serious one calls I laugh with no humor as if."
Shouldn't of said that." I feel myself shrink why not? Dameon! He calls smirking I see a built body strut towards me before I know how I'm in his arms he's way to strong to fight but that doesn't mean I didn't try like hell. Give up he sighs slamming me onto the ground in front of Mr.snake eyes he's attractive no doubt tall, dark, tan and hazel eyes to match the only imperfection is his forever frown."

He looks down at me like a little deer behave." I gasp you behave I resort back. He laughs, Dameon pipes in boss she's just a girl remember that. I do he mouths cupping my chin I don't like back talk he jerks picking me up he's not as strong as he's so called body guard but still I'm too tired James? Hm he sighs placing his mouth a inch from mine where are you taking me? He doesn't respond but I'm met with an answer cold bars I don't like this room it smells like blood. I whimper as he sets me down listen closely you ether be good or wind up here." I bite my lip then what you'll kill me? He smiles leaning in you'll wish I granted you that mercy. I huff fuck you."

Say it again." He spits while pushing me to a confined space shoving my wrist into a cuff.
Tears fill my eyes as he walks away, I can't tell how many hours it took before my stomach started to growl shit I whisper as I hear footsteps sorry about my brother he's an asshole you must be hungry? I frantically nod as he approached with an apricot I can see his blue ocean eyes he's features are soft and I find him easy to trust Lucas he grins. Melody I know." Is my sister alright he won't hurt her? Gosh no she's my wife. Wife I shout did she even have a choice! No but I'll win her affection surely he smiles softly and for some odd reason I believe him. I must go if he finds out I feed you he'll beat me blue. He's that bad? You have no idea." Will he hurt me! He's all talk when it comes to you. I sigh in relief.

I start to drift asleep when I hear a chair scoot Lucas? No the voice growls and lights up a cigarette "sleeping like a barn animal he smirks I want to be sarcastic but I'm afraid. Hungry he questions holding some sort of white cloth yes I mumble he looks almost sad for me. Don't feel bad it's not like you starved me on purpose I spat shit I whisper realizing I said that out loud." Hm he smiles running his hands through his hair not hungry after all. I whine
Say sorry I don't feel like it. Too bad he shrugs pulling out a warm piece of bread and takes a small bite you're cruel. I offered to feed you when you've done nothing but insult me all day! I look up at him he's eyes are intriguing you think this is funny! I giggle out of nerves you royal pain in my ass." I sigh back at you.

He smirks holding a sliver key if you apologize I'll let you out, I'm not sorry. Prideful he chants and sits back down in his chair. A few minutes pass just of silence before he whispers cold? In an alluring voice yes I shiver. Good he stands holding a small cube it's reflective and marble he licks his lips before nearing in and rubs it over my nipple it's freezing! Stop I shriek you can't touch me! You're my wife I can do whatever I please. No I shout almost wanting him too I don't fight I'm too tired please I beg leave me alone." He sighs kneeling to the ground and pries my legs open please I cry out more oh my Melody. You're so cute thinking I won't hurt you. He stands unzipping his jeans I really wanted this to be your choice. I don't respond but feel my hips on fire you wouldn't he laughs while stroking himself you're naive.

Please don't I'm sorry I gasp now you're sorry?
Yes yes please don't. Fine he groans shoving his erection back in his jeans that are clearly bulging I want him why do I want him! He's just good looking that's all. He uncuffs me and he presses my head to the wall don't even think about it I have body guards everywhere. I wasn't I lie." His face turns the color of my hair before yelling I saw you look for the exit! I tremble when I feel his hot breath to my ear and his palm find a pressure point?

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