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Nicholas looked at me sternly, as if I was asking too much.

No one was allowed to touch Orange Folders. Most of The Death Cross Gang's crimes and information were in those envelopes.

Always just in sight but always out of reach in the police's file room, behind a locked glass door.

Nicholas smiled a bit.

"Someone said you'd ask for it- so I took it out early. It's in my desk's drawer. Take it. I want a regular update, every day or every second day with the investigation."

I nodded, shrugging away the thought a future prediction that had come true by a stranger.. or not.

I sat at Nicholas' desk.

I opened the orange file. It was my first time opening up a top secret file. Goosebumps were at the ready. Hairs along me nearly rising as I slowly opened the folder cover.

My goosebumps fell, gone, vanished with a stray gust of air.

Inside was a single piece of paper, one or two sticky notes.
And that was it.

"Maybe it's top secret because the only secret is that these officers have done no work on it."

I sighed and slipped the piece of paper out of the pouch.

A photo of a teenage boy smiling at the camera, face front... was attached with a paper clip at the top. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and white skin. He had a tattoo on his arm saying something. The first word I could barely make out as, "Chase."

The information that followed was as so...

Name : Cliftin
Surname: Hibberts

Crime: Gang activity
- associated with The Death Cross Gang
- arrested on sight of organized crime
- attempt at stealing of towns Blood Gem Ring

Blood Gem Ring? That's an exhibition sight at the museum that closed a couple of years ago - but if I remember correctly the gem was worth little compared to other rubies, gems and jewls there.

I didn't understand the value of it.

Nicholas stepped in again, "I organized the list of things you asked. The gun will be given to you after you complete a bit of basic training."

I shook my head yes.

"And please sit at your own desk. That's what you have your own office for."

I smiled sweetly and left, then cursed him as I walked to my office.

The cops only put me here to keep the prisoners entertained, till they took the train to the official prison at ForbsCity.

It caused them less trouble.

I strolled over to my office, and at the door stood a familiar face.

"Freddy?" I questioned.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for your gun training."

"You're my instructor?" I questioned.

"Well I have first aid training and am well certified in self-defense. Guns, weapons, alike."

"Why am I not getting taught by an officer?"

Nicholas walked by, "Because no one wants to teach a rookie and go through all those wasted hours with you."

"I won't shoot anyone!" I called out behind him.

"That's what they all say." mumbled a prisoner.

We three looked at him

And he continued, "What? I've heard that line many times before. It's all lies."


"Keep your safety lock on when your not using your gun. When your pointing or intimidating people, keep it on." Freddy said.

"You'll hear a click when the lock is off."

He clicked his gun and then pulled the trigger slowly.

He hit the bullseye.

"Aim is important. Some people use two hands when starting off. When you become more confident, you can use one. If you're aiming closer or in a confined space then use two hands, I recommend."

He showed me how to grip the gun and I observed, quite.

Eventually he handed me the weapon.

"Now try hitting the bullseye."

I placed my two hands on the gun, aimed - took a breath,closed my eyes and shot.

I opened my eyes.

I missed the target completely-

"Maybe shoot with your eyes open." he whispered besides me.

My eyes met with his up close, his dark blue eyes mesmerized a beguiling enchantment.


He stood behind me and positioned his arms along mine.

I could smell him. The sour bitterness tangy. It made the scene less romantic.

We both held the gun.

"Focus" he whispered, his breath hot and instructing.

Then together we -



The bullet marked the bullseye exactly.

"Perfect." he said.

I looked at him, the way his eyes glimmered at me.

Suddenly from behind him I saw shadowy figure approach us.

"Hello, can I help you?" I called out.

The man drew his gun and pointed it at us.

I immediately got infront of Freedy and remembering everything I just learnt, fired the gun.

I shot the intruder in the chest.

I fired again and again.

The intruder fell to the ground.

"Excellent work." Freedy said clapping.

The intruder pulled the mask off and clapped too.

He was a police officer who had been wearing a bullet proff vest and dressed for a robbery.

"Thank you, Timothy. You may get back to work." announced Freedy.

I stared at the man that walked off, then at Freedy.

"Come on it was your final test. Besides you did phenomenal under pressure! You hit three bullets in his chest and was able to defend not only yourself, but me - another person as well."

"Let's get celebration milkshakes." he quickly added.

"Only if you're paying." I replied.


Me and Freedy were slurping milkshakes as we entered Mom's house.

"Sandy sweetheart! Looks like you and Freedy are getting on good together."

I rolled my eyes and scrolled through my phone.

"Well I should be leaving." he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Casually and all too cheesy.

Mom interrupted, "Oh no! No! You must stay."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Mom lead us both to the dinning room table decked with food.

The glow from the dinning room light spread across the feast.

My eyes widened and so did Freedy's.

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