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"He saved your life!" Violet yelled.

I nodded slowly as I sipped my coffee.

It was 9am and my sister and I were back at my apartment.

After the incident yesterday Freddy went back home on his own while I checked on the others.

They were all safe and sound thanks to Violet.

"You didn't tell me he jumped in the way and took a shot for you. If you ask me he took a shot at love." she winked.

I threw a pillow at her, it missed.

"We aren't a couple, Violet. I don't even know if I like him or not. We haven't talked about going further."

Violet winced at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing, it's just before you didn't want to date him at all. Now you don't want to date him cause you're not sure about your feelings towards him-"


"So it means you're developing feelings for him, the Freedy with yellow teeth!"

I scoffed, "As if. I'm just impressed he took a bullet for me in the darkness-not knowing where it would hit him. He also disarmed the man."

"Quite the dare devil." she commented as she relaxed back on the sofa.

My apartment was small yet had enough space for all my needs.

The bed was in one end of the rectangular room. The lounge which consisted of an L shape couch and TV was close to that bed. To the side of the lounge was a white tiled bathroom.
At the other end of the rectangle was a compacted room which was once Roxanne's but now was used for storage.
The open kitchen was near the entrance door. With marble counters, a fridge that would do and stove that burnt my food more than it cooked it.

"I'm back!" shouted Roxanne as she barged through the door, with groceries.

We helped her out with the groceries by putting it away.

"By the way I ran into Nicholas. He said he needs your assistance down at the police station." said Roxanne.

She paused from packing the fridge and faced me.

"Apparently someone stole a body."

"A body? You mean a dead body?" I clarified.

"The Mayor's daughter's body is gone."


I entered the police station, officer's looked at me and gave me a silent small salute.

I had a good reputation.

There was a cell in the middle of the station, in front of my office... which displeases me every time I have to work in my office.

The cell had a few rowdy gang members today that hooted and whistled every time I walked by.

The cheering got even louder when I approached the cell closer. I peered inside to look for any new comrades. The murderer of the Mayour and his daughter was still on the loose.

"If you're looking for a date, we could go right now, sugar cube." said a man shorter than me with a body covered in tattoos and a busted lip. I scrunched my hand into a fist and hit him in the nose.
He cupped his bleeding nose within seconds.

"You-" he squirmed through the bars at me but stopped as soon as he saw Nicholas.

With his baton Nicholas hit the bars.

The criminals grumbled steping away from me.

"We need to talk in my office. Follow me." and I did as he said.


"Stephanie's body, the Mayor's daughter...was stolen."

He looked at me as my face formed a disgusted look.

He announced, "They are probably selling her for parts."

"Who are they?" I questioned.

"We presume the gang that struck not so long ago."

"The Death Cross Gang." I stated.


"Why do you suspect them?"

"Look at this."

He handed me a zip lock bag labeled evidence. Inside was a metal gun; the black shine brought back the memory of how it was once pointed at me. Near the trigger was the marking of The Death Cross Gang. Two long red lines criss crossed each other. Bold and bloody.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"The evidence says it all, Detective."

"I mean the sign looks off. Give me time to find the body."

"The Sign? It's a clear cross! Detective, the body is the least of our concerns. Stephine is already dead. Our main focus is to arrest The Death Cross Gang."

I laughed.

He looked at me unamused.

"This is no laughing matter."

I looked him dead in the eye.

"I know, but I find it funny how you aim to imprison The Death Cross Gang. They are a huge organization. Bigger than the rest we've delt with or even seen. I've been studying them for months. Their plans are excuted extremely well. They are in and out. Done and dusted...and we only get to know about it like a week later! They have a reputation for being the silent but deadly type."

"But we have a plan-"

"With all due respect Nicholas-"

"Commanding Officer."

"Right, like I was saying your plans are nothing against them."

"Are you forgetting we got one gang member?"

"You had one gang member like years ago. If I recall correctly it was a teen. Furthermore, it wasn't even you who caught him. It was the previous team and it took them years of work and many men on the ground to get that teen but he escaped jail time when he was being moved from this cell to the prison cart at the train station."

Nicholas stared at me, blankly.

I repeated my offer,"Give me time to find the body of the Mayor's daughter. I will bring you the man who murdered them. If not I garentee a face to our murderer, at least. I want a few other resources at my disposal too."

"What resources are you requesting?"

"A gun, your backup when I call and access to all your information systems."


"And one more thing." I spoke up before he left.


"I need the file on the teen you locked up once from The Death Cross gang."

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