Mickey types on her phone. "Yeah, I heard the same thing but I don't know what to believe. I can't wait til season two,"

"Now we know who won't be in season two," Adriana pours some chocolate candy in the bowl, mixing it with the salty popcorn.

Mickey groans when she gets a text from her mom. After reading it she stands up, grabbing her skateboard and backpack. "I better get home. See you later, Adri." She walks out the front door, closing it behind her.

Riding her skateboard all the way home, Mickey stops in front of the apartment complex and then walks inside the building. Holding her skateboard underneath her armpit, she walks towards the elevator and pushes the up button repeatedly then decides to go up the stairs to the seventh floor because she's so impatient. Standing on the middle step, her body stops functioning when she hears footsteps tagging along not too far behind but doesn't see a body to match the pair of feet.

Leaning over the railing looking down the spiral stairway, Mickey says "Hello?" to no one in particular then continues climbing up the steps to the seventh floor, hesitating while listening to the footsteps as they get closer and closer. She stops on the stairs and leans against the wall, pulling a taser out her pocket that's connected to her keychain, waiting for the person to hit the corner.

Holding tightly to the taser, she stares at their shadow gliding the walls as the person turns the corner then smiles widely at one of the survivors from her class trudging up the stairs with her headphones on both ears, head hanging down, eyes staring at her phone.

Kristen flinches, eyes almost pops out of her sockets as she looks up from her phone seeing a figure standing in front of her speechless. She slides the pair of headphones off her ears and awkwardly asks "what's up?"

Mickey's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water as her cheeks reddens from blushing so hard while putting the taser behind her back, heart beat accelerating in her chest, voice comes out in a stuttering mess as she shyly brushes some hair behind an ear. "I-I-uhh didn't know we live in the same building. Do you live on the seventh floor too?" she chuckles oddly.

Kristen doesn't smile as she says bluntly. "Yeah. I saw you move in down the hall a week ago,"

Mickey holds onto the railing tightly. "Oh yeah, my parents and I just moved to another floor because our ceiling was leaking in our old apartment downstairs," she then continues talking, trying to ease the awkwardness between them. "I heard about your friend. I'm so sorry,"

"Yeah..." Kristen slides the headphones back on both ears then passes her, continuing to walk further up the stairs, heading towards the door that leads to the seventh floor.

Mickey says behind her back as she's pulling the door open "If you wanna talk about anything you're more than welcome to knock on my door," but Kristen doesn't hear her as she steps into the hallway.

Trudging down the hallway with music pouring in her ears, Kristen passes the elevator, balling her fists by her sides as her chest tightens, mind fogging with the horrific memory of her ex stabbing her in the stomach.

Blowing out a short breath with her eyes closed, she pushes the image of Kara's beautiful smile to the back of her head then enters the apartment opening and closing the door behind her. First, she slides off her headphones and flips the light switch, quickly spinning around gasping in shock after seeing her sister bending over doggy style, completely naked across the island while her boyfriend stands behind her, both sweating and breathing heavily.

"Oh shit!" They stop screwing and quickly grab their clothes off the floor. The woman slides on her short dress and heels while her boyfriend sprints out the kitchen covering his front with his pair of briefs.

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