Chapter 28: The Prophecy

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"So how's it feel Weasley? To be all tied up?" Warrington mocked standing over me, my wand held lightly in his hand.

"Just cuz you're into it doesn't mean we all are." I shot back. I had flicked out my claw, and was now cutting through the rope that was keeping me tied.

"Big talk for someone unarmed." He sneered at me.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I said as I finished cutting through the ropes, springing to my feet taking Warrington by surprise and slashing a deep cut into his cheek. "And you're off the team." I told him as I caught a drop of his blood on my arm, causing my scars to glow a blood red.

All the other Slytherins were taken by surprise which allowed the other to break free of their captors taking back their wands. Neville hit one with quite a stellar impediment jinx, Ginny hit Malfoy with a bat-bogey hex, and using blood magic I raised another into the air, sending them spinning off towards a wall.

"Well what now?" Ron asked as the fighting died down, his lip bleed more than it had been.

"We find the others obviously!" Said Ginny, head supporting several long scratches the length of her cheek.

"Where do you suppose they went anyway? I didn't know anything about a weapon." Neville said a large purple lump swelling about his right eye.

"I think I know." I said getting to my feet thinking fast. "They'll be going for Grawp." I said turning to Ron. "They must be."

"You remember the way?" He asked me to which I nodded. "Well let's go then!"

Luna moved over to me. "Your nose is broken." She told me, pulling out her wand and tapping my nose and muttering an incantation. I felt a sudden pain as my nose snapped back into place, and a warm sensation washed over me.

"Thanks." I said to her with a smile, as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"And you might want this too." She said handing me my wand.

I smiled at her, before muttering. "Accio eye." My magical eye flew across the floor and into my hand.

Using streams of air generated form my wand I got as much of the dirt off of it as I could before shoving it back into my socket.


"This way!" I called to other as we pushed through the thick brambles of the forest.

"But Harry how are we going to get to London" I heard Hermione cry from in front of us.

"Yeah, we were just wondering that, So," said Ron, pushing aside a low-hanging branch and holding out Harry's wand, "had any ideas?"

"How did you get away?" asked Harry in amazement, taking his wand from Ron.

"Couple of Stunners, a Disarming Charm, Neville brought off a really nice little Impediment Jinx, and you know this madman's got a knife hidden in his ring, the one on his thumb," said Ron airily, now handing back Hermione's wand too. "But Ginny was best, she got Malfoy — Bat-Bogey Hex — it was superb, his whole face was covered in the great flapping things. Anyway, we saw you heading into the forest out of the window and followed. What've you done with Umbridge?"

"She got carried away," said Harry. "By a herd of centaurs."

"And they left you behind?" asked Ginny, looking astonished.

"No, they got chased off by Grawp," said Harry.

"Who's Grawp?" Luna asked interestedly.

"Hagrid's little brother," I told her.

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