Chapter 19: Snake Attack

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I was awoken suddenly in the middle of the night, someone shaking me.

I quickly grabbed my wand from the side table and pointing it at the assailant.

"It is me (Y/n)." Snape's voice came, and as I focused I saw it was into fact Snape who was standing over my bed.

"What's going on professor?" I asked him groggily. "So much for a good night's sleep." I thought to Tom.

"It's your fath—Arthur. He's been attacked. I'm here to take you to the headmaster's office."Snape told me.

I bit back my retort. I wanted to say that he deserved it, but clearly it wasn't the right time.

"I see." Was all I ended up saying, before getting up and quickly packing my trunk, pulling a dressing gown over my bare chest.

"Well I'm ready when you are." I told him, slipping my wand into my dressing gown pocket, and putting my ring onto my thumb.

I followed Snape in silence out of the common room and through the castle toward Dumbledore's office, meeting McGonagall, Fred, George, and Ginny on the way there.

"I'll leave him with you." Snape said to McGonagall before turning around and leaving.

"What's going on (Y/n)?" Fred asked me as soon as Snape had left.

"Come on quickly now." McGonagall said ushering us up to Dumbledore's office. "We'll explain in more detail soon.

As McGonagall knocked and opened the door to Dumbledore's office I saw that Harry and Ron were already in there.

"Harry — what's going on?" asked Ginny looking frightened. "Professor McGonagall says you saw Dad hurt —"

"Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order of the Phoenix," said Dumbledore. "He has been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I am sending you back to Sirius's house, which is much more convenient for the hospital than the Burrow. You will meet your mother there."

"A bit emotionless there." I thought to Tom.

Well Arthur is probably just another pawn in his game.

"How're we going?" asked Fred, looking shaken. "Floo powder?"

"No," said Dumbledore, "Floo powder is not safe at the moment, the Network is being watched. You will be taking a Portkey." He indicated the old kettle lying innocently on his desk. "We are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back...I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you —"

There was a flash of flame in the very middle of the office, leaving behind a single golden feather that floated gently to the floor.

"It is Fawkes's warning," said Dumbledore, catching the feather as it fell. "She must know you're out of your beds...Minerva, go and head her off — tell her any story —"

McGonagall was gone in a swish of tartan.

"He says he'll be delighted," said a bored voice behind Dumbledore; the wizard called Phineas had reappeared in front of his Slytherin banner. "My great-great-grandson has always had odd taste in houseguests. . . ."

"Come here, then," Dumbledore said to Harry, me and my siblings. "And quickly, before anyone else joins us..."

We all gathered around Dumbledore's desk.

"You have all used a Portkey before?" asked Dumbledore, and we nodded as I thought back to the Triwizard tournament, each reaching out to touch some part of the blackened kettle. "Good. On the count of three"

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