Chapter 1: Demon

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"That's the eleventh this month." Shawn said sounding flabbergasted.

"More than I've seen in my entire time in the force." I said, exhaustion creeping into my voice.

"We've got to catch the culprit and soon, eleven murders in a month, in a small town like this, it's insanity. What's your report DCI Cullins?"Daniels asked me.

"We're doing our best here guv." I said, I'd been working nonstop for the last week, only for another person to be murdered. "There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to these killings."

"There's got to be something! Some kind of connection." Daniels said, I could tell he was starting to get annoyed.

"Maybe if you got off your lazy arse and helped it would get done quicker." I thought, keeping my tongue in check.

"If there's any kind of pattern we'll find it sir!" Shawn said.

"Good that's what I like to hear, you could take a page out of the DC's book Cullins. Now there was supposedly an eyewitness this time, seems the perp is slipping up. I want the two of you to go talk with them see if we can an ID on 'em. Dismissed."

"Who do you think is behind this then sir?" Shawn asked me as we made our way to talk to the witness.

"Lord if I know Shawn." I told him slightly annoyed. Shawn was new to the squad, and as much as I enjoyed his enthusiasm it got on my nerves sometimes. "To put it bluntly we have no leads. None at all, there's no connections between these killings, and this is the only witness we've had."

"But we'll catch them won't we sir?"

I sighed. "At this point are best hope is to hope they get bored and move onto another town." I told him as I pushed open the door.

"Hello Miss Rudders, I'm detective chief inspector Cullins, and this is detective constable Murphy, can we get you anything to drink?" I asked, taking a seat across from Miss Rudders.

She was an older woman, in her mid sixties with shoulder length gray hair, her face covered in the wrinkles of a stress-filled life, her hands rough and calloused from a life of work.

"Please called Sarah, and a cuppa would be lovely dear." She replied to me.

"Go on then Shawn." I told the DC, jerking my head to the door.

"Oh yeah, I'll be right back miss." Shawn said.

"Now then, I know this may be hard Sarah, but I need you to recount the events of last night." I instructed her, turning on the tape recorder. "For the records this is DCI Cullins interviewing Miss Sarah Rudders. Whenever you're ready ma'am."

"Yes, well... am I speaking loud enough?"

"You're doing fine ma'am."

"Yes well where should I start... ah so Kiera, that's Prudence Wishlers daughter, well Kiera had just started seeing this man, Mc something or other an Irish fellow you see, not much older than the other fellow here, although not quite as cheerful, he always seems grumpy about somethi—"

"Ma'am you're getting a little off track here." I told her cutting her off, doing my best not to sound annoyed.

"Ah my apologies, well you see Kiera had just started seeing this new fellow, and I didn't quite like him, he didn't seem like an honest fellow if you ask me, of course I told Prudence about this but would she listen? Of course not she'd find a way to justify anything that Kiera of hers does—"

"Miss Rudders this is about the murder, please try to limit your statement to details pertaining to it."

"Ah forgive me forgive me, must have been around eleven last night."

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