Chapter 3: Grimmauld Place

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Hey it's been a while hasn't it? I'm not gonna put a long winded intro here so I hope people enjoy this chapter and hopefully it won't be another what, 2 months, till the next update.

"What's the Order of the — ?" Harry began.

"Not here, boy!" snarled Moody. "Wait till we're inside!" He pulled the piece of parchment out of Harry's hand and set fire to it with his wand tip. The message curled into flames and floated to the ground.

"But where's — ?"

"Think about what you've just memorized," said Lupin quietly. I rolled my eyes as we waited for Harry to be able to see number twelve Grimould Place.

"Come on, hurry," growled Moody, prodding Harry in the back as he let out a gasp. I assumed the house had just manifested for him.

Harry walked up the worn stone steps, staring at the door, with its black paint and scratched surface, the silver door knocker was in the form of a twisted serpent.

Lupin pulled out his wand and tapped the door once. I heard the familiar sound of many loud, metallic clicks of the locks. The door creaked open.

"Get in quick, Harry," Lupin whispered. "But don't go far inside and don't touch anything. You next (Y/n)."

"Here —"Moody rapped Harry hard over the head with his wand; and I watched as the disillusionment charm was removed from Harry.

"Now stay still, everyone, while I give us a bit of light in here," Moody whispered.

The others' hushed voices were starting to get on my nerves, I had half a mind to tell them to shut up, but then a soft hissing noise broke up the whispers, as old-fashioned gas lamps sputtered into life all along the walls, casting a flickering insubstantial light over the peeling wallpaper and threadbare carpet of a long, gloomy hallway, where a cobwebby chandelier glimmered overhead and age-blackened portraits hung crooked on the walls.

To think this place has fallen into such disrepair... a shame really the Blacks were such a good family. Most of them anyway.

There were hurried footsteps and Molly, emerged from a door at the far end of the hall.

She was beaming in welcome as she hurried toward us, and though she tried to hug be I simple side stepped her, taking more interest in a cobweb than her.

"Oh, Harry, it's lovely to see you!" she whispered, looking at me hurt before pulling him into tight hug before holding him at arm's length and examining him critically. "You're looking peaky; you need feeding up, but you'll have to wait a bit for dinner, I'm afraid. . . ."

She turned to the gang of wizards behind us and whispered urgently, "He's just arrived, the meeting's started. . . ."

The wizards behind us all made noises of interest and excitement and began filing past toward the door through which Molly had just come; Harry made to follow Lupin, but I simple put a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Harry, the meeting's only for members of the Order. Ron and Hermione are upstairs, you two can wait with them until the meeting's over and then we'll have dinner. And keep your voice down in the hall," she added in an urgent whisper.


"I don't want to wake anything up."

"What d'you — ?"

"I'll explain later, I've got to hurry, I'm supposed to be at the meeting — I'll just show you where you're sleeping."

Pressing her finger to her lips, she led Harry on tiptoes past a pair of long, moth-eaten curtains,  as I followed behind them, hands in my pockets, watching Molly darkly.

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