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Hi, so a lot has gone on since the last update, I've taken my first mcat and it was alright but not near where I need it to be, so I've got to study a lot for that. On top of that I've got a lot of family... things going on right now. All of this means, I'm sorry to say, that I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again, I've been doing my best to try and find time to write but even when I do I have little motivation to as I'm anxious about other things so I apologize for that.

Hopefully once this semester of uni ends I'll have more time but until then updates are going to remain few and irregular. I really appreciate everyone that has stuck around with my frustrating update "schedule" but hopefully I'll be able to get into a grove again soon.

In the mean time I've been wanting to do another sort of question and answer thingie, so if you've got any questions, about this series, any of my other books, my writing process, how I think about certain characters, or even something you'd want to know about me, just leave a comment here with that question and in a few weeks, maybe a month depending on how many questions I get, I'll write an update and answer as many of those questions as I can. On top of this if you have any fan art or anything like that, that you'd like to share with me you can send it to juuzou134@gmail.com.

Again I'm sorry for this, I know it's not what people want but shit happens ya know. I'm deeply grateful for everyone that has stuck around despite all this and I am so thankful for all the support everyone has given me.

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