Chapter 34. Ace fighting

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Caleb POV
Earl and Sammy decided to come join us at the park today. "Dad, dad!" Ace called for me trying to get my attention. "Yes, Ace" I answered him picking him up from his car seat to let him out the car.

"Is Ronnie here yet?" He asked me. "Yeah he's right there" I pointed towards Earl and Sammy where Ronnie was standing next to them. "Go ahead and play don't hurt yourself" I put him down so he could go play with Ronnie.

Aria grabbed the end of my shirt following me towards Earl and Sammy. "I missed you guys so much I can't wait for Aaron and Layla to come too" Sammy said hugging me and Aria.

"They should be coming tomorrow night" i said to Sammy. "I can't wait us girls are going out once they get here" Sammy said making Aria smile.

"Oh and the kids are staying with you guys when we go out" she added making us all laugh. We walked down the path together while watching the kids play. "Aces birthday is in two days we're going to celebrate it at my house you guys are invited."

"How old is he going to be? He's growing up so fast" Sammy asked. "F-five" Aria answered her smiling at her sweetly. "We will be there" Earl confirmed. "Yup we sure will do you guys need help with setting up the decorations for his birthday?" Sammy asked.

"N-no b-but w-we d-do n-need s-someone t-to d-distract h-him f-for u-us" Aria told her. "Ooo me and Earl can definitely do that just text me when to come and we'll be there."

We talked and joked around with each other walking while watching the kids play on the playground. "Lydia needs to come home I miss her cooking" Earl said. "Too bad she wanted to stay with Aaron and Layla."

"You always have to be a jerk to someone" he nudged my shoulder. "Dad! Ace is fighting!" Jaden shouted at Earl. We looked towards them seeing Ace fist fighting with a kid on the playground.

We all ran towards them I pulled Ace away from the kid Aria pulled him towards her to calm him down and check him for any wounds. The kids parents came running towards us with shocked and angry expressions.

"Look what your kid did to my son!" The mother of the kid yelled staring at me and Aria angrily. "Don't just blame my kid for this we don't even know why they got into the fight." I said calmly but I could feel my anger coming.

"W-what h-happened A-Ace?" Aria asked him. He stayed quiet I could tell he was still angry "Ace tell me what happened" I pulled him towards me crouching down to his height. "He called mommy the B-word."

I looked over at the kid who had a busted lip from Ace punching him in the mouth. I smiled at Ace proudly "why are you smiling about this he busted my kids lip" the kids father argued with me.

"Go sit with mommy at the table. You did good I'm proud of you Ace" I made sure to say loud enough for them to hear to piss them off even more. I kissed his head before he followed Aria.

"How are you proud of him he could have just killed my son" the kids dad said. "This wouldn't have happened if you taught your kid how to keep his mouth shut" I said while standing back up to look at him.

"My son wouldn't call his mom a bitch for no reason" he mocked. I smiled to myself closing my eyes to calm myself down "i think right now is a good time for you to start running" Earl warned him.

"I'm not scared of him" he said offended by Earls warning. "My kid did nothing wrong if he called his mom a bitch then so be it what are you going to do about it?" "Your really have a death wish today don't you" Earl said walking away from us already knowing what was coming next.

Aria POV
Ace sat in my lap while we waited for Caleb to come back. "Ace your a really good fighter I'm gonna need you to teach me some tricks" Sammy said trying to cheer him up. "My dad taught me" Ace said.

"S-sit w-with S-Sammy I-I'm g-gonna g-go c-check o-on d-daddy" Ace nodded his head siting next to Sammy. I got up walking towards the playground again. I noticed Earl coming this way I walked up to him concerned.

"I don't think you should go over there Aria" he warned me but I couldn't convince myself to not go. "I-I'll b-be f-fine" I told him running towards the playground now.

I noticed Caleb was fighting the kids father I began to panic when I heard the sirens of the cops coming. "C-Caleb!" I shouted running towards him to pull him off the man.

The cops came running towards us but as soon as they seen Caleb was the one fighting they walked away just standing there looking "C-Caleb s-stop t-that's e-enough" he pulled away from the man listening to me.

"Why aren't you guys arresting him his kid could have killed my son now he's violently beating my husband!" The guys wife yelled at the cops. "Ma'am you need to calm down" one of the cops said to her.

"Arrest him and then I'll calm down!" She said to the officer. "We can't do that ma'am" another officer told her. "Why?!" She asked angrily. "Because I own them now get your bitch off the ground and go home" Caleb replied for the officers to her.

The officers left back to their cars leaving the women to take care of her beaten up husband alone. I turned to Caleb asking him to pick me up "a-are y-you o-okay d-daddy" I asked him worrisomely. "I'm fine princess. Did Ace calm down?" He asked me kissing my cheek.

"Y-yeah S-Sammy c-calmed h-him d-down" I explained to him. "Why are you smiling princess?" He asked me noticing my blushing smile.

"Y-you a-always h-have m-my b-back d-daddy" I explained to him why I was smiling. "I always will princess your daddy's precious little princess" he kissed my lips lightly.

Sammy and Earl and all the kids walked halfway towards us "can we go get something to eat dad I'm hungry" Ace asked Caleb. "Sure pick where you want to go you deserve it after what you did for mommy."

"I wanna eat some pasta" Ace said rubbing his belly hungrily while smiling at me and Caleb making everyone laugh. "Your just like your dad that's his favorite thing to eat" Earl said to Ace.

"Then pasta it is" Caleb said grabbing Aces hand so we could go while Earls and Sammy and their kids followed behind us so they could join us at the restaurant.

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