Bilbo baggins

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Gender: male 

Race: hobbit 

Hair color: brown 

Skin color: light medium 

Eye color: brown 

Likes: gardening, being at home. 

Hates: adventures (until he meets Thorin and the company) 

Friends: Thorin, Gandalf, Elrond, balin, dwalin, fili, kili, Oin, gloin, ori, dori, nori, Bofur, bumbor, biffer, bard, legolas, Thranduil, Tauriel. 

Foes: smaug, Gollum, Azog, bolg, Sauron, goblin king, the three trolls. 

Personality: kind, sweet. 

Family: Frodo (nephew), belloria took (mother). 

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