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Hey guys so there is this bill called KOSA which will violate our rights online it has not yet been passed many senators raise concern about the bill and say it's a very bad idea but some think otherwise. In my opinion parents should have the right to protect their children from harm online not the government. Please spread the word about KOSA and make it not pass so we can live freely online. I know sadly the internet can be a horrible thing especially for young kids and adults who get stalked, hacked, identities taken from them on their accounts and I get it they want to protect us from harm but KOSA is NOT the way to do it. Parents don't let the government control your child's rights online only you can do that!. 

It strictly violates the first and second amendment in the U.S constitution and our so called "president" wants it to pass. we need to spread awareness about this horrible idea and put an end to it. I don't want any kids or young adults losing their accounts to some age verification thing. Again please spread the word! 

Thank you. 

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