Chapter 1 - Guardian angel

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I ran. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. Panic and fear driving me forwards. My muscles were burning, my lungs were aching and my heart was pounding. But I carried on, I had to keep going, to get as far away as possible. As I looked behind me for sight of my pursuers, I caught my foot on a raised tree root. I fell and smacked my head on something hard. Darkness.

The voice sounded distant as I came back to consciousness. I winced at the throbbing pain in my head, one side of my face covered with dry blood.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
The voice was becoming clearer now. My eyes flickered open and I squinted at the light shining behind the angelic figure that kneeled over me. I was able to make out more of their features as my vision became clearer; short messy yellow hair, sky blue eyes filled with alarm and concern and broad shoulders sitting under heavy-looking armour. I couldn't quite tell their gender until they spoke again.
"Urgh" I groaned, clutching my head.
"Try not to move" the person said, the light soothing tone suggested to me that this was a woman. I didn't recognise her at all but I was grateful she was there.
"Who are-?"
"Shhh...lie still. I'll get you to safety" she said with a hand on my chest.
I lazily complied and fell unconscious again.


When I awoke hours later I could hear the faint hustle and bustle of a tavern as I lay in a comfortable bed. The lantern next to me was burning brightly and filled the room with an orange glow. I looked around for my blonde guardian angel but she was nowhere to be seen, my heart sank when I realised I was completely alone.

Just then a young servant boy, no older than ten, entered the room carrying a tray with a jug of water and some cups.
"Hey" my voice was dry and croaky.
The poor boy got the fright of his life and the tray crashed to the floor with an almighty clang.
"You're awake! I must tell Ser Brienne!" and he ran out of the room.
"No kid wait!" but he was gone.
I panicked, was this Ser Brienne one of the Red Riders? If so, I needed to run now! I sat up ready to make my escape but fell back onto the bed when the room started to spin.
I panicked as I heard heavy footsteps approaching, but to my relief when I opened my eyes I saw my blonde guardian angel enter the room. She was so tall she had to duck her head to get through the doorframe. She stood up straight again, one hand on the hilt of her sword and the other relaxed at her side. She held herself astutely like a well trained soldier but she had kind eyes that made me feel instantly calm in her presence.
"Hello again" she said, "how are you feeling?"
"Dizzy but I'm OK, thanks to you...Ser Brienne".
Oddly she blushed at her own name.
"Are you a knight? I didn't think women were allowed to be knights?" I asked curiously.
"They weren't. I'm the first" she said, a hint of pride in her voice.
"Wow, I feel like I should be bowing to you!"
She sniggered, "there's really no need".
There was something very endearing about this woman. She had an authoritative presence but seemed shy and modest, as if she was unworthy of any praise.
"I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll leave you to recover" and she turned to walk away.
"No! Please stay. I don't want to be on my own" I sounded pathetic but I really did want her to stay. I'd known her less than ten minutes but I felt like I needed her.
Brienne hesitated as she turned back but eventually sat in the chair beside the bed. She looked so awkward it was actually quite funny, she was a born warrior not a bedside nurse.
"Forgive me, I haven't even asked you what your name is?" Brienne said politely.
"That's alright. I'm Imogen. Imogen Forester".
Her eyes widened with recognition.
"Forester? As in Forester Steel?" she asked, a little excited.
I chuckled, "yeah it's my family's business".
I came from a family of blacksmiths that are quite well known in this part of Westeros. The Forester name was associated with some of the finest weapons wielded by armies and warriors throughout history.
"I must say I have the utmost respect for your family. My very first sword was a Forester blade" she said and I noticed she was still holding the hilt of her current weapon.
"Looks like you've got a much better one now" I observed.
She looked down at the sword and for a brief moment she looked sad. She took it out of the sheath and held the blade upright. The hilt was gold with two lion heads at the left and right and another for the pommel, the blade itself was made from an extraordinary metal I had never seen before.
"This is Oathkeeper. It was gifted to a friend" she said, her eyes not leaving the weapon as it shined in the light.
"What's it made of?" I said in awe.
"Valyrian steel" she said casually.
"What?! Really?!"
My enthusiasm hurt my head. I knew Valryian steel was unique and incredibly rare so I felt privileged just to be in the presence of this sword.
She smiled fondly, "yes it has seen many battles and saved my life more times than I can count".
"May I?" and I held my hands out asking for her to let me hold it. She laid it across them carefully and my hands dipped at the weight. It was a magnificent blade, one that truly deserved to be wielded by a noble warrior like her.
"Wow, my father and brother would be so jealous of me right now!" I said smugly.
I handed it back and she sheathed it, her hand automatically returning to grip the hilt.

"So what's your role in the family business then?" she asked.
"Me? Oh I'm nothing really. My brother Jacob runs the forge. It used to be my uncle Garrin but he's getting a bit old now as much as he refuses to accept it".
"What about your parents?"
I paused, "they died when me and Jacob were young".
"Oh I'm sorry..."
"It's OK. Garrin raised us as best he could. He worked so hard to keep us warm and fed. I do miss my parents everyday though".
There was a silence as Brienne looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say.
"Would you like me to take you back home? When you're fully recovered?" she asked.
"I haven't been there in a while, I had...other things to do. But I could introduce you to my family. I might even get you a discount!" I said with a wink.
She laughed, "that won't be necessary but I would very much like to see the infamous Forester Steel forge!"
Her child-like smile warmed my heart. I was looking forward to this adventure.

A/N: This is what Imogen looks like in my head (I found this on Pinterest but don't know the artist so I can't credit them)

A/N: This is what Imogen looks like in my head (I found this on Pinterest but don't know the artist so I can't credit them)

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