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"You know, a title like king or 'all mighty', for example, doesn't really fit me, even though someone having this type of power or control would be called something like that. I don't even deserve to be called that." A young man looked over a balcony within the tower he created. Unsure about his emotions still despite a few months passing, he looked over at a much younger shape sitting on the bed within the room. "Let's be real here. These past months I've been causing a lot of chaos. It's just not like me-"

"But you said it yourself, it's revenge. Petty revenge, but still revenge nonetheless," the shape chirped. He looked towards the balcony where his savior stood, arms crossed, leaning on the rails while seeming to be lost in thought.

"I know. And you're right," the man began. "I've been reflecting lately and... I'm still not understanding why I'm doing this. Or why I went so far just to get back at them. I helped you, Ademus; saved you from a fate of death. Why would I have done that even though I've caused all these shapes pain and suffering over the months?"

Ademus lightly grasped his right shoulder as they looked down at the floor, unsure how to respond. There was a long, awkward silence between the two.

"I dunno... maybe despite being rage filled you wanted to help someone in need," he replied. "But Blixer, you still know it isn't really right. Why keep going?"

"...I can't place the blame on my mind 'being foggy at the time', but I know damn well I wasn't thinking right. Even if I suddenly stopped all this now it won't help me. The little heroes and their guardian are after me, I've already gone against them. Twice," Blixer stated. "The heroes, I mean. I'd rather be brought down by them instead of not getting a rightfully deserved punishment from simply stopping and trying to apologize. It's too late for me now."

"Yeah, no one's gonna forgive you."

"Oh thanks. I'm quite aware."

The younger shape gave a small smile and hopped off the bed, walking over to Blixer who had turned around to gaze over the now dark land.

"I think that over time shapes will eventually, maybe," Ademus said.

Blixer side eyed him for a second. You're too young to understand. But I appreciate the slight positivity, he thought.

He turned around and began walking towards the door. Ademus followed behind, jogging to keep up. "Where are you going?"

"I did mention it's too late for me. While what I've done is, you could say, over the top for getting petty revenge from being locked up when I couldn't control the things that were going on with me," Blixer started as they began walking the hall. "I may as well watch the things that are happening. I promise, I'm not going to actively hurt anyone unless I need to defend myself. But all I can do know is watch and wait."

Ademus glanced up towards Blixer face, who's expression was more concerned and concentrated than coming off as evil.

"Uh- well maybe you can help fix what you've destroyed if you're really set on sitting and waiting for your fate?" they spoke.

"Not sure anyone would let me," he sighed. "But maybe. For now I'm going to focus on the present. One day I'll possibly be able to live among everyone normally... maybe one day."

Just Shapes and Beats: RestartWhere stories live. Discover now