chapter 17: weisz loves surfing but hates the surfers

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chapter 17: weisz loves surfing but hates the surfers


       If I'm being honest, I'm very nervous to start surfing again today. Even though I feel like I'm physically capable to start surfing again, I haven't done it since before I started to get sick for the first time. I just hope it comes back to me like muscle memory and that I don't fall off my surfboard after my first attempt to wide a wave.

       And if I somehow decide I'm not quite up to surfing yet, I can always just relax at the beach with my friends since they all agreed to coming here with me and Reno.

       Reno and I drive to the beach together. I say it's because it's obvious we should carpool since we're coming from the same place so we'd be saving gas, but Reno says it's because I like doing stuff in his car. No matter what we're talking about, he finds a way to sneak in either my so-called leather jacket fantasy or the fact that we've done stuff in his car.

       He just loves to tease me. I've tried teasing him back, but it's always to no avail.

       Seeing as the beach is in the city, my friends are already here. It's a good thing too, since they already found a spot for us to sit at. Being a Saturday, it's already quite crowded so we might have struggled to find a place had my friends waited for me to get here.

       The moment Reno and I get to where my friends are, Amelia gets up and hurries over to me, giving him a hug. "Weisz, I'm so happy you're going to start surfing again!"

       "Me too," Adam says. "And totally not because we'll get to see you surf shirtless."

       I furrow my eyebrows. "Huh?" 

       "I said it's not because of that," Adam says. "Geez, you're so full of yourself if you think I'd enjoy watching you go surfing shirtless."

       I would be confused but honestly, it isn't surprising. Adam enjoys flirting with all of us and besides, what kind of friends are you if you're not flirting with each other? I just figured he might want to lay off on the flirting considering he's in a secret relationship with Amelia. Possibly. All Reno and I know is that they hooked up in Paris, but we don't know if it was a one time thing or if they're secretly dating. Either way, we're not going to pressure them to tell us.

       Reno opens the beach blanket we brought and I set all my stuff down before taking off my shoes and my shirt, to which Adam decides to wolf whistle.

       "I will take your shoelaces and wring them around your neck," Reno says to Adam.

       Instead of being scared by Reno's threat, Adam says, "Ooh, protective Reno. Me likey."

       "Are you looking to get choked?" Amelia asks.

       "I would love to," Adam says.

       "You're insane."

       "Awe, thank you."

       I pick up my surfboard and look towards the ocean. Like predicted, the waves are killer today. They're perfect for trying to get back into surfing, but seeing the waves doesn't completely erase the nerves I feel.

       Reno is able to tell I'm feeling a bit nervous as he stands beside me and places his hand on my back. "Remember, you're doing this for fun. There's no pressure to do amazing on your first try."

       "He didn't tell you that he used to surf competitively?" Marcel asks.

       I glare at Marcel. "Snitch."

       "Well, even if you did surf competitively, it's not something you're doing right now," Reno says. "You're doing it for fun. That's it. There'll be nothing wrong if you fall or something."

       "Easy for you to say," I say. "Everything you do is perfect."

       "Yeah, because I practice," Reno says. "You should have seen how much times I've fallen during ballet practices. By the way, ballet teachers are brutal. They yell a lot."

       "Please let me watch you do ballet."

       "One day."

       I decide that I can't stall any longer, so I tell my friends I'm going to go surf. Since there is a designated area in the ocean for surfers, it's not ideal for any of them to go into the water with me so they're all going to stay here. At least they're close enough to watch me.

       I get into the water, sitting on my surfboard as I wait for a wave I could try riding. As I wait, someone swims over to me on they're surfboard and sits beside me. I look over, trying my best not to roll my eyes as I look away. 

       "Well, if it isn't Weisz Brooks?" Kyle says. "And here I was, thinking that you quit surfing after your crushing defeat."

       "It wasn't a crushing defeat," I correct. "I came in second."

       "You still lost to me," Kyle says. "I sure hope that it didn't affect you so much. Then again, you have gone absent in the surfing scene since then. Did you cry yourself to sleep at night?"

       I ignore him, knowing he's just trying to get a reaction out of me. It's what he did during competitions to try to mess with my performance. And it works sometimes. If I do decide to get back into competing as well, I know I'll have to work on letting his teasing get the best of me.

       "So is that hot girlfriend of yours here with you?" Kyle asks. "I'd love to see her again."

       "You won't. We're not together anymore."

       "Damn, what on earth did you do to lose such a hot girl?"

       I continue to ignore him, looking out towards the waves. There is finally one that I want to try riding, so I start to paddle towards it. Unfortunately, Kyle decides to try to ride the wave as well. I don't even see his attempt until I stand on my surfboard where he then decides to cut in front of me. I lose my balance, falling into the water.

       I surface in time to see Kyle ridding the end of the wave. "Asshole," I mutter, getting back on my board and waiting for another wave.

       I'm unable to ride any because Kyle keeps cutting me off. This isn't the first time he has done it, but it annoys me way too much to continue surfing, not too mention it's quite dangerous for him to do so. He doesn't seem to care, so I don't want to risk any injuries.

       I paddle back to the shore and as I get out of the water, I see Reno standing nearby. "You okay?" he asks. "I may not know much about surfing, but I kept seeing that guy cut you off. Is that even safe?"

       "No, not at all," I say. "There are rules against it during competitions and unspoken rules when you're surfing on your free time, but Kyle doesn't care. He always seems to try to get a rise out of me."

       "So you know him well, I assume," Reno says.

       "Yeah, he's, like, my rival in competitions," I say. "I totally forgot he existed, if I'm being honest. But yeah, I think I'm done surfing for the day."

       Reno rubs my arm. "I'm sorry it wasn't a great day for you to get back into surfing."

       "No, it's fine," I say. "As annoying as Kyle is, it didn't completely shake my from surfing. Even sitting on the surfboard before he showed up was a great feeling."

       Reno smiles at me. "I'm glad to hear that. Want to try again next week?"

       I smile back. "Yeah, for sure."


i missed reno and weisz <3 i need to update this more. please bother me for an update if i take too long lol.


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