chapter 15: weisz relaxes

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chapter 15: weisz relaxes


       I immediately flop onto my bed, stretching my arms and legs at the comfort of my own bedroom. As much as I absolutely loved being in Paris, I have to admit that I missed my own bed.

       Reno lies down beside me, immediately getting under the blankets and closing his eyes. "I'm so jet lagged. Wake me up in three to five business days."

       I roll onto my side so I'm facing Reno. I run my hands through his hair, which is back to being his normal red dye since he dyed his roots back in Paris. "How are you feeling?"

       "I just said that I'm jet lagged," Reno says. "So tired."

       "No, I meant... How are you feeling about everything that happened on the trip?"

       Reno is silent for a bit before he says, "I'm doing okay. It's hard to forget about, but at least I know that I'm now safe back home and won't have to deal with that creep anymore. Thank you for getting my mind off of it on the last day there. I had a lot of fun."

       My hand moves from his hair and to his cheek. I stroke it softly, and Reno smiles at me. I smile back before leaning forward and pressing my lips onto his. Reno moves closer to me as he kisses me back, so I place my hands on his waist and pull him closer to me.

       Unfortunately, someone decides to open my bedroom door just then, completely interrupting me and Reno. I don't even know who did it until I look over since it could have been anyone. No one in my family likes knocking on my bedroom door whenever Reno is over since they think I should keep the door open.

       As if Reno and I are going to do anything when my family is home. Even if we do, it's not like either of us can wind up pregnant.

       I look over to see my sister standing by my bedroom door. She doesn't move or say anything, so I ask, "Can I help you? Or are you just going to keep standing there like a creep?"

       "Don't you two ever separate?" Celine asks. "You two were literally together for the entire school trip and now, he's over here instead of going to his own home?"

       "Yeah, and?" I ask. "I'm literally dying so I should be allowed to be around my boyfriend whenever."

       "Weisz!" Reno says, not appreciating my dark humour, especially since there is a high chance that I'll be in the maintenance phase of my treatment soon. At least, I hope I'll be. I can never be certain of the answer.

       "What?" I ask. "It was a joke."

       "If you make that joke again, I will bodyslam you onto the floor," Celine says.

       I ignore my sister's threat and ask again, "Is there a reason you came into my room other than just standing there?"

       "Actually, yes," Celine says. "You're free in two days, right? Your doctor wants to move up your check up to then instead of next week. He already has the results and wants to talk about them with you."

       I don't know if it's a good thing that my doctor wants to move up my appointment or a bad thing. I mean, surely it's a good thing, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't be feeling a lot healthier. He wouldn't have let me go to Paris if my health wasn't improving.

       Either way, I know it would be best for me to hear the results as soon as possible, whether it be good or bad, so I tell Celine I'll take the appointment. She nods and leaves to tell my parents, making sure to keep the door wide open.

       I sigh and lie back on the bed.

       "You worried?" Reno asks.

       "Huh? Oh, no. I mean, I slightly am, but I'm always worried. I sighed because Celine left the door open so we can't continue where we left off."

       "I mean, we technically can. I'm sure your family will just walk away when they realize we're... having a bit of fun."

       I gently slap Reno's shoulder. "We're not going to be making out when the door is open."

       "Then close the door."

       "Someone will just end up opening it again."

       "Then get a lock."

       "I tried asking my parents for one. They said no."

       "Then we go to my house where my dad respects my privacy and doesn't expect me to keep the door open."

       "Tempting." I get under the blanket. "But I'm too tired to go anywhere. I kind of just want to sleep."

       Reno smiles at me before he reaches for my TV remote. He finds a movie for the two of us to watch before he scoots closer to me, resting his head on my chest. Since the two of us are very tired from our flight and from being used to the time zone in Paris, it doesn't take us long to fall asleep, despite it being early in the afternoon.

       At least we don't have school for the next two days, so we can try to get used to being back in our time zone.

       We wake up early in the evening, only because my mom wakes us up to let us know dinner is ready. She kind of figured Reno would be staying late and possibly the night since we were both tired when we got here.

       And considering we're still tired, she's nice enough to bring up dinner for the two of us to eat so we don't have to leave the bed.

       After we're both done eating, I place our dishes on the nightstand before lying back down on the bed. "I just want to sleep forever," I say.

       "You and me both," Reno says. "So... About your appointment? How do you think it's going to go?"

       "To be honest? I think it's going to be good news. I know I already said that I'm always nervous for my appointments, but I'm just thinking about all the good signs. My stamina doesn't run out fast anymore. My doctor let me go on an overseas trip despite my immune system being weak. Oh, and I wouldn't have been allowed out of the hospital if my treatment wasn't working in the first place. I think... I think I'm going to be in the clear again. I hope so."

       "I hope so too," Reno says.


ME TOO! (i say as if i'm not the one deciding it or not lol) i just get so invested in my own characters oops.

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