chapter 11: weisz is a bit concerned for his boyfriend

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chapter 11: weisz is a bit concerned for his boyfriend


       Reno and I decided to take a nap shortly after the teachers announced that today would be a free day instead of the tours that were originally planned. The nap isn't a long one because I soon wake up right before lunch time. However, as soon as I wake up, I notice that Reno isn't in bed with me.

       I can't see him in the room so I assumed he left for lunch or maybe to meet up with his dad. Then I hear some noise coming from the bathroom, almost as if something fell onto the floor. I get up and walk over to the bathroom door, knocking on it. "Reno? Is everything okay?"

       "Yeah, sorry, I just dropped something. Did I wake you?"

       "No, I woke up before I heard it. How are you doing?"

       Reno doesn't reply, but he does open the door. The first thing I notice is that he has hair bleach setting in the roots of his hair. He did say he was going to wait a bit before dying his hair again, but I didn't thing a few days into the trip would have been considered waiting a bit.

       Reno notices me looking at the bleach, so he says, "I touch up my hair whenever I'm having a mental breakdown if I haven't done it yet."

       "A mental breakdown? Reno, are you okay?"

       Reno smiles at me, but it does seem a bit weak, like he's trying to force it. "I'm okay. Just felt like I needed to do something to take control over my life again. Kind of like how I got my septum pierced after the shit that went down at the school dance."

       "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

       Reno shakes his head. "I promise, I'm okay. I feel a bit weird and still grossed out, but at least Gabriel didn't assault me or anything. He just hit on me."

       "That doesn't make it any better."

       Reno shrugs before he goes back to finishing adding the bleach to his hair. I do wish he would talk to me more about what happened, but at the same time I only want him to talk to me if he felt comfortable enough. I know what it's like having to talk about something when I'm not ready for it, so the last thing I want for anyone is to force them to talk about something that affects them.

       "It's almost lunch time," I say. "Do you want me to go pick something up for you? Or we could do room service again?"

       "I'm not sure if we should do room service again when we already did it for breakfast," Reno points out.

       "Okay, I can go pick up some lunch for you at the buffet. Anything you want?"

       "I'll take anything. You know my food likes and dislikes, so I know whatever you grab for me will work."

       I kiss Reno's cheek before I grab my hotel room key, then leave to head down to the lobby where lunch is already being served. Before I can even fill up a tray for lunch for me and Reno, Mrs. Bassow walks over to me. "Perfect timing, Weisz," she says. "I just got an update about the tour guide."

       "A good one, I hope?" I ask.

       "The outcome is good, but not the circumstances. He was fired from not only this job, but from the tour guide company as a whole. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time he decided to hit on a teenager that was part of a tour group. Reno was the first to speak up about it, but another tour guide spoke up and said she suspected he has done it before but didn't have proof. There still isn't proof, but she pretty much confirmed it has happened before."

       I'm happy Gabriel was fired but at the same time, I feel bad for everyone who was a victim to his gross actions. He's a grown ass man whose only job is to be a tour guide for tourists in Paris. Not take advantage of his position and hit on foreign teenagers.

       "The company already assigned another tour guide, but we're going to continue to have this as a free day," Mrs. Bassow continues. "The tours will start again tomorrow. How is Reno doing?"

       "He's doing okay," I say. "He just said he feels grossed out about the whole thing."

       "Well, assure him that he doesn't have to worry about Gabriel anymore. And if he needs to talk to someone about it, I am here. That's my job, after all."

       I thank her before I got to the buffet table to get some lunch for me and Reno. By the time I return to my hotel room, Reno has finished bleaching his roots; he's just waiting for it to fully set as he sits on the bed.

       I sit down on the bed as well, placing the tray of food down. "Mrs. Bassow just told me that Gabriel was fired from the company he worked for and we'll be getting a new tour guide tomorrow."

       Reno smiles slightly as he grabs the plate I made for him. "That's good. I was afraid they wouldn't believe me."

       "He hit on other teenagers too. You were just the first to speak up about it, but one of the tour guides suspected he had done it before. There was just no proof."

       Reno's face scrunched up in disgust. "Gross. I'm glad I was able to help put a stop to it."

       "You were very brave to speak up about it."

       Reno smiles at me before he takes a bite out of the sandwich. After he swallows the bite, he asks, "Can we talk about something else that doesn't bum me out?"

       "Sure." I rack my brain to think of something that would distract Reno before I thought of something. "Oh, Amelia has been hooking up with someone. She won't tell us who it is though."

       "Does all our friends now? Adam included?"

       I furrow my eyebrows at why he specified Adam. "Yeah. We were talking about it in the group chat that everyone's part of. Why?"

       "What was his reaction?"

       "Neutral, I guess. When it was first brought up, he just said 'get it, Amelia."

       "So no negative reaction? No pouting?"

       "No? He was more amused by it."

       "Then it's Adam."

       "What is?"

       "The person Amelia is hooking up with?"

       "Huh? How did you come up with that?"

       Reno stares at me for a bit. "Don't tell me you're all completely oblivious to Adam's crush on Amelia?"

       "This what?"

       "Come on. It's so obvious he has a crush on her. She's the person he has been crushing on. If she wasn't hooking up with him, he would have been pouty about Amelia hooking up with someone. He got pouty every time she mentioned a cute guy."

       "Huh. I did not see that coming."

       "Yeah, I don't think any of you did otherwise you would have pieced it together a long time ago."


lol get it adam.

reno is the only smart one who was able to see it smh.

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