chapter 4: reno needs a break from everyone (except weisz ofc)

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chapter 4: reno needs a break from everyone (except for weisz ofc)


       Dinner is going to be served in the hotel's buffet, and it's free for anyone staying here. Since it's not mandatory, just an option if we weren't given enough money to spend on the trip, Weisz and I decide to go somewhere else for dinner.

       Besides, not only will we have time to ourselves if we choose to go to a restaurant, we wouldn't have to worry about Marie bothering. I swear, since she has been put in the same group as us, she has done nothing but try to diminish our relationship.

       I'm starting to get sick of it. Normally, I can just ignore people who annoy me, but Marie is on a whole other level. Maybe it's because of what she did to Weisz in the past, and I love Weisz too much to not be able to imagine anyone hurting him in such a way.

       He's such a sweetheart. Why would anyone want to hurt him?

       The answer? They were psychopaths.

       I'm glad I decided to ask Gabriel if he knew any good spots for me and Weisz to try it. The restaurant that we decide to try for dinner looks amazing, both interior design wise and food wise. We only catch glimpses of food from other tables, as well as the pictures of food on the menu, but either way, the food looks delicious.

       Not only that, but nobody else from the school trip has decided to come here. Not many of the students annoy me, it's just Marie and her boyfriend, but I've seen them enough to want a break from them. 

       That's one of the downsides of the school trip; feeling like I'm stuck with a bunch of people I don't really care about. At least it's not like we're expected to always be together on the trip. I'm glad we're given a bunch of free time to do what we want.

       It takes Weisz quite some time to choose what he wants off of the menu, mainly because it's completely in French and he's not fluent. Our school's mandatory French classes makes it easy for him to translate some of the menu, but not all of it. He keeps asking me to translate it for him, which I don't mind.

       In the end, Weisz just chooses one of the menu items that has a picture that he think looks good. I just have to read off the item to make sure it's something he would actually eat and that there's nothing in it he doesn't like.

       As it turns out, Weisz really does like what he ordered. When the food gets here, he takes a bite out of it before saying, "Oh my gosh. Oh wow. This is really good. Like, so good I'm probably going to cry when we go home because I'll never get to order it again."

       "If you think the main course is good, just wait until you try some dessert," I say.

       "Don't do this to me, Reno," Weisz says. "Don't make me hopeful and crush my dreams when we go home."

       "You know, you can always look up a recipe online. Of course, it won't be as good as the one you're eating right now, but at least it will be better than nothing."

       "That's true." He suddenly looks at the table beside us. "You have got to be kidding me."

       I follow his gaze, seeing Marie and Dave being ushered to the table by the hostess. Marie notices us and smiles smugly, as does Dave. "Oh, what a coincidence! I had no idea you two were going to be here." She looks towards the hostess. "These two are our friends, so can we put the tables together?"

       "Absolutely," the hostess says.

       Despite the hostess being able to speak English, I decide to speak to her in French. Mainly to piss off Marie since she won't be able to understand what I'm saying, and because I find it respectful to speak the country's language if I can. "Actually, we're not friends. She's the ex of my boyfriend here and is very annoying. She also thinks that everyone in France should speak English to cater to her."

       The hostess looks at Marie. "No putting the tables together." She sets the menu down on the table. "A waiter will be by soon." She walks off.

       Marie glares at me. "What did you say?"

       I shrug. "Dunno. I don't speak French."

       "What the fuck?" Marie says. "Clearly, you do."

       "Hey, hey. This is a fancy establishment. You shouldn't be talking like that in here."

       Marie ignores me as she and Dave sit at their table. I turn my attention away from them and back to Weisz, who suddenly says, "I love you."


       "You're so hot."

       "Thank you?" This time, I lower my voice so only Weisz can hear me, because no doubt Marie would try listening in on our conversation. "Do you have a degrading kink or something?"

       "What?" Weisz's cheeks burn red, though I doubt it's because he has one. Any mention of any kink is enough to get him to blush. "N-No. You didn't even degrade me."

       I shrug. "I was right about your leather jacket kink."

       "Stop that."

       I just smile at Weisz before going back to eating my own phone. Quite a few times, Marie and Dave will try talking to us, but we ignore them in favour of enjoying our dinner. I still don't get why they go out of their way to bother us. Weisz hasn't done anything wrong, and the only thing I do is fight back. I don't go out of my way to instigate a fight like they do.

       Another downside of this trip; seemingly being stalked by the two of them since they can't seem to leave us alone. I wouldn't doubt that they somehow found out what restaurant we were coming to for dinner and decided to follow us.

       After Weisz and I finish our dinners, we order dessert. Just like our meals, Weisz is very happy with what he ordered and believes he will cry when we have to go home because he wants to eat this every day.

       If this is his reaction for the first restaurant we went to, I can only imagine what he'll be like at all the other places we try out.

       At least this proves that his parents shouldn't have any regrets letting Weisz comes to Paris since he's already having the time of his life.


reno will probably constantly have full on conversations in french with people in front of marie then look at her and be like: i don't speak french :(

love that menace

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