Chapter: 30

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The hunt began and the disciples from the sects entered the Phoenix mountain to start and get as much prey as possible. Wei (Y/n), Jiang Cheng, and Wei Ying split up and went in different directions. Both the twins went alone even when Jiang Cheng offered Wei (Y/n) to take half the disciples with her. She declined him and said that she would be hunting alone.

The scenery of Phoenix Mountain was quite spectacular and (Y/n) smiled while walking leisurely on the path. The air was crisp and refreshing putting a person's mind at ease. But she sighed as a few thoughts surfaced in her mind. These thoughts had been troubling her since the day she went to the town with Jiang Yanli and Wei Lifen after her betrothal ceremony. She shook her head to clear the thoughts when she heard a noise from the bushes ahead.

Readying her sword she slowly moved forward. After removing a few leaves to look at the scene she smirked. A huge beast was lying down probably asleep. She moved to the open area and unsheathed her sword. Moving swiftly she made a decent-sized cut on the beast's neck making it shriek and twitch.

After a few moments it stopped moving and (Y/n) smiled. She flicked her sword to rid it of the blood of the beast and sheathed it again. After storing it the qiankun pouch, (Y/n) straightened up. Just then a shrill sound from a flute cut through the silent atmosphere. (Y/n) sighed shaking her head. He will overdo it and it may cause trouble for Jiang Cheng.

She moved on forward with the plan to stroll around the place before regrouping with Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying. After she had walked quite a distance, once again she heard the rustling of leaves behind her. Thinking it was another beast of some sort she unsheathed her sword. Just when she took a step Lan Xichen emerged.

Jin Guangyao had just come to the mountain and when he saw Wei (Y/n), he planned to go talk to her. That was until he saw Lan Xichen follow after the female. He sighed and let them be, but couldn't just move on. He carefully masked his presence as he followed them both.

Wei (Y/n) sighed and sheathed her sword. Lan Xichen smiled at her, "Did I scare you A-(Y/n)? Forgive me." (Y/n) shook her head making her hair move along. "No. I just thought it was another beast." She said and Lan Xichen chuckled and moved so he was next to her.

"How are you?" He asked smiling and she smiled too. "I am well." Lan Xichen nodded then said. "The flower you gave me...It seemed rare. Just like the person who stands in front of me." (Y/n)'s ears turned red and she only smiled bashfully. They both stood in silence for a moment which was broken by (Y/n).

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your Sect's disciples?" Wei (Y/n) asked and Lan Xichen smiled. "Does my presence make you uncomfortable? Shall I leave?" Lan Xichen asked jokingly but (Y/n)'s eyes widened thinking she had offended him. She shook her head. "No! I didn't mean it like that! I didn't mean to offend you! It's just you are the Sect Leader so I found it strange seeing you here and..." Wei (Y/n) rambled on, her calm persona disappearing and her face turning red from embarrassment. Lan Xichen chuckled and stood in front of her placing a hand on their mouth to stop her rambling.

Wei (Y/n)'s eyes widened at the closeness and found herself gazing into Lan Xichen's dark eyes. "I was only joking. I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed." He spoke softly and (Y/n)'s face began to darken at his gesture. He slowly removed his hand and smiled. "To answer your question Wangji is leading the disciples. I wanted to look around the mountain and fortunately, I ran into you." Wei (Y/n) nodded and mustered a small smile bringing the blush under control.

"Would you like to join me on a stroll? I'm pretty much free anyways.." She offered and Lan Xichen smiled. "It would be my pleasure to accompany you, my dear fiancée." Lan Xichen said in a smooth voice and Wei (Y/n) huffed hitting his arm lightly. His comment made her face turn red again. "What happened to you Xichen? Why do you talk as such?" she asked and Lan Xichen chuckled moving forward and taking her hands into his own.

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