Chapter: 02

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In the high mountains, there resided a cultivator Baoshan Sanren, who was thought to be hundreds of years old. The woman took youngsters and taught them, but she made them swear never to leave her since they would never be able to return to her if they did. Cangse Sanren, one of her followers, left her to be with the man she loved, Wei Changze. They later married and were blessed with twins.

A boy and a girl. They named the boy Wei Ying and the girl Wei (Y/N). They continued their travels but noticed something strange. Whenever (Y/N) was sad or cried, the nature around her would wilt, and when she was happy, everything around her looked fresh. When she laughed, little birds and animals would surround them. The parents feared for the safety of their child and decided with heavy hearts that they would leave her on the mountain path that her mother swore never to return to. The path to Baoshan Sanren.


Baoshan was peacefully strolling the green mountain paths when she heard the cries of a baby. She walked towards the noise and saw a baby girl barely a month old crying between wilting flowers and plants. Baoshan rushed towards the child and picked her up. The child instantly stopped crying and opened her big (e/c) eyes staring at the unknown woman. Baoshan softly smiled at the baby to which the baby responded by cooing and giving a gummy smile. She shifted the baby in her arms and saw a seal on the back of the baby's clothing. The seal was unique and was only known by two people. Herself and her former disciple Cangse Sanren. She released the seal which morphed itself into a short note.

Master Baoshan,

If you are reading this note then you assume correctly. The baby girl is my daughter. I had twins a boy and a girl. Wei Ying and Wei (Y/N) my baby girl. One week after her birth she started showing signs of unique powers. My husband and I feared for her safety so we left her on your mountain. Please I beg of you to raise and teach my girl to control her powers, no doubt that she has more than one. And when the time comes ask her to find her brother and tell her about us. No one other than you, us, and Clan Leader Jiang know of her existence. Please keep her safe. She is in your hands.

Your former disciple,

Cangse Sanren.

After reading the note, Baoshan sighed looking at the baby before smiling and heading back. Since then, Baoshan taught the girl to control her powers.

Wei (Y/n) woke up to the bright sunshine that was piercing through her window. She felt happy and excited as she remembered that it was her birthday today. She quickly got out of bed, got dressed, and ran out of her room.

On her way to the kitchen, she saw her big brother Xingchen and called out to him. "Big Brother!" Xingchen turned around and smiled at her.

"A-(Y/n)...Happy Birthday." He smiled as she gave him a bright smile, thanking him for his birthday wishes. "Let's go eat breakfast." He smiled and she nodded.

Xingchen held her hand and led her to the kitchen where they had breakfast with the rest of their sibling disciples. After breakfast, Wei (Y/n) went to greet their Master. She knocked on the door and entered the chamber where their Master was reading some books.

Her Master smiled at her and motioned for her to sit down. She poured them both a cup of tea and they drank together. Wei (Y/n) felt grateful for the warmth and love that surrounded her on her special day. She hummed closing her eyes, enjoying the calm.

Her Master addressed her, "So today you turn nine, right?" Wei (Y/n) nodded and Baoshan smiled before getting up. "I noticed that you like music. I often find you humming during our lessons," she said, glancing over her shoulder at Wei (Y/n), the girl felt her cheeks redden, knowing that Master had heard her humming. "So, I have a perfect gift for you," Master continued.

Wei (Y/n) looked at her curiously as she sat down and handed her a white cloth. Her master watched as (Y/n) opened the cloth and revealed the white flute inside. Wei (Y/n)'s eyes widened in amazement as she took in the intricate floral patterns and designs on the instrument, A red tassel adorned its lower end. She couldn't believe how beautiful it was.

"Wow, thank you so much!" Wei (Y/n) exclaimed, looking up at her master with a beaming smile.

Baoshan chuckled at her reaction, pleased with how much she appreciated the gift. "I thought you might like it," she said.

Wei (Y/n) nodded, still in awe of the gift. She had never received anything so special before, and she couldn't wait to learn how to play the flute.

She sat before her Master, listening intently as she spoke about the spiritual tool in her hands. Her Master explained that the flute would help Wei (Y/n) control her powers and that she would have to name it herself. The flute could harness her powers and prevent anything from dying, and Wei (Y/n) could also learn to cleanse and heal with it.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Wei (Y/n) got up and bowed to her Master. She felt a rush of emotions, as her Master had become like a mother to her, and her big brother Xingchen like the sibling she never had. When her Master asked what she would name the flute, she looked down at it and smiled.

"I will name it 'Yí Jūn'," she replied, feeling a sense of connection to the flute already. With a gentle laugh, her Master pulled Wei (Y/n) into a hug, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. She was grateful for the love and guidance that her Master had given her and knew that she would cherish Yí Jūn for years to come.

Yí Jūn

( : Harmony--Jūn: Ruler ) [The one that rules with harmony]

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