𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19

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We headed to our class and after finishing our lectures bell rang indicating it was last class and everyone are waiting for our professor Luna was talking to Jennie who was seated in between me and Luna I was playing with my pen lid while listening to there talk suddenly I drop my lid and I bend down to take the lid before I take it Jennie took it for me while bending her head down. Then only I noticed there was a tattoo in her neck.

"Jen!!!... You have a tattoo?? You know that it's not allowed in this school" I gasped and said after seeing that tattoo on her neck.

"What you have tattoo? ... Let me see" Luna said in shock

"I-It's not a tattoo. It's my birth mark" she said while showing that to us

"Are you kidding me? how is this a birth mark? " who else believes that bcz it's really like a tattoo.. A moon tattoo.. But it's kind a beautiful and I also wish to have tattoos but I'm scared to get suspended.


Damn it. I should have worn turtle neck t-shirt and a denim skirt just like day before yesterday. Now how can I explain to them its not a tattoo. Do they believe me?.. Im so confused 😕

"But it really is a birth mark dumbo" I said to the creakheads who are Waiting for my explanation. Even though I know they won't believe me. Bcz it's really like a tattoo. 🙄

"OK.. Whatever " he sighed and said.

"Hide that with this" Luna untied her scarf from her neck and gave it to me. And I nodded my head and did as I was told.

"Baby.. you didn't notice her tattoo before?" kookie asked from Luna.

"No... But Jen , can I ask you something?"

"sure, you can" I said while giving her an assuring smile.

"You and jimin know each other from the start, don't you?"

"Huh?... What are you talking about? " I asked with confusion.

"I mean, you both have tattoos on your necks, He's acting kind to you he has always talk to you more than us. How come you don't know each other before? " what did she told now.... He has a tattoo on his neck?

"He has a tattoo too? "I asked with utterly shock, and both Jungkook and Luna nodded their head before looking at me again with a confused expression...

" You haven't answered me yet, babe" Luna asked me

"But.. I know him after joining to this school... I didn't even know that he has a tattoo. Even if he has.... So what? Mine is a birth mark and his is a tattoo.. "

"Alright whatever you say" Luna sighed and said

"So your class teacher didn't scold him for that? "

"Yeah, he got scolded at 1st and he started to hide it since then" kookie told while packing his things to go to home after bell rang.

"Anyways I'm going I have to meet professor Mrs. park bcz she told me to come she wanted to give me some notes which I asked her" I said and left that place while thinking. Something is really fishy all of these can't be a coincidence. Suddenly it started to rain and every

"Ok.. How you gonna go home it's about to rain..shall we stay with you and drop you at your home " kookie asked me with consern

"NO NO bunny you go.. I can go home and it won't rain "

"I'm asking for last time are coming with us or not? " kookie asked again

"Nope"Why are they behaving like Jin oppa?...

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓Where stories live. Discover now