Chapter 7 - Revelations

Start from the beginning

Chabashira: "This test will cover all the information you have learned over the past few weeks. This first test will be on English. You will have several tests, one for each subject that will last the entire day."  I saw Chabashira-sensei holding a large stack of papers, presumably all our test for the rest of the day. I internally sighed a little, today would be a long day.

Chabashira-sensei began handing out the test around the class. As I recieved mine I quickly scanned the room to see that most of my classmates were struggling through the test. What suprised me the most was how even Horikita seemed to be deep in thought, having a small frown on her face. Horikita was without a doubt more academically gifted than me so to see her be deep in thought for a test that was supposedly what we had learnt over the past few weeks were shocking.

I looked back down at my paper and recognized most of the questions. Despite the fact that I was confident in my abilities to pass this test, I did see some question that I couldn't even begin to understand. I had paid attention in class, even studying after school, yet these were still some question that looked completly foriegn. So these must be what Horikita-san was deep in thought about. I took a quick glance at Kiyotaka just to see how he was doing. I was hoping to see maybe a small crack in his composure, I was instead greeted with the same expression I always saw. Cold indiference. I wonder how you're doing Kiyotaka...

Kiyotaka POV

The test was laughably easy. Well it would have been if I understood how to genuinely laugh. Indeed I simply was attempting to simulate what a person would feel in my situation. The questions were definetly harder than those a high school student should be able to solve. Regardless, the questions were undeniably more challenging than what a high school student should face. Even someone as capable as Horikita would likely struggle with them. Of course these were nothing compared to what was in the white room. Years prior, I had mastered solving problems far more complex than those presented in this test.

As I lightly tapped my pen on the desk, I maintained an appearance of focus while my mind was actually more focused with considering my best course of action rather than the test itself. Should I play it safe and answer just enough questions correctly to avoid drawing attention? I could flawlessly answer a perfect fifty on this test like I did on my entrance exam. However this is also the perfect opportunity for me to confront Chabashira. It's obvious that she has an ulterior motive, even if the hints are only slight.

I glanced down at my test paper and made a decision. I began writing down my answers, not aiming for a perfect score, but strategically crafting my responses to serve my purpose. She'll understand when she see's them.

As the minutes passed by I observed my fellow students in the classroom, I couldn't help but notice that Ike and the other defects were indeed struggling with the test. Their frustrations were plastered all over their faces. It was no surprise, considering their lack of attention in class. I wouldn't be overly shocked if around 9 out of the 40 students in our class ended up failing this exam completely.

Turning my attention to some of the higher-achieving students, I noticed that even Horikita, who is admittedly above the standard student in our claass, seemed to be facing difficulties with a few questions. Hirata appeared to be in a similar situation, likely struggling with the more challenging questions that I had noted were beyond high school level. A quick glance to my right confirmed that Ai was also experiencing similar challenges.

It was clear that this test was proving to be a tough one, even for some of the top students in our class. For Koenji though...

Koenji: "Chabashira-sensei I have finished the exam." He said with a large smirk on his face and his legs raised onto his desk. Showing off a bit too much don't you think Koenji.

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