~ Eleven

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Spider-man craned his neck up and peeked behind you to see Isaac L/N's hologram standing beside Julius. Initially, he planned to dive straight in and apprehend him, but now that didn't seem to be possible.

It didn't take long for him to connect the dots and figure out that you were putting up an act. As much as it irked him, he had no choice to comply to your order. The hero stood up and threw his own punches.

"What signal we're you talking about?"

"Um, the explosions?" You stated as if it were obvious, narrowly dodging a claw to the face. As much as this was an act, it really seemed like this guy was trying to kill you.

"You bombed the place?!" He deadpanned. "How?!"

"I modified the spider trackers so that they could explode depending on where they crawl to!"

"You modified my spider trackers." He repeated annoyed.

"Listen, if I asked for explosives you would've said no."

"There could have been a better way to execute this. There definitely could have been a better way to execute this."

"I think it was a great plan." You sneered, jumping back a few yards to keep your distance. Spider-man did the opposite, shooting webs to the ground and shooting himself towards you.

"How are we supposed to find the other bases then?"

"I'll tell you once we have no eyes on us." In one swift move, you spun yourself around him and held him in a headlock. You kicked him in the back of the knees, making him fall down and look at Isaac L/N. With your head over Spider-man's shoulder you asked your father, "Any words for our favorite arachnid before you leave?"

The evil man chuckled at your antics and looked at him, "Spider-man, it's an honor to meet you once more."

He grunted due to your tight grip and responded sarcastically, "I wish I could say the same, but I don't feel so welcomed."

"I'm sure Black Cat has been entertaining you well. She's the main antagonist of this story after all." You raised a brow at his comment.

"And why is that?" Spider-man demanded.

"Well, everything I've been working on so far branches from this young lady. I wish I could explain, but I wouldn't want to risk you foiling our plans." He grinned and snapped his fingers. In response, Julius straightened his posture and rolled up his sleeve to reveal the watch you saw earlier.

You frowned at the sight of them preparing to leave. Not because you were going to miss them but because you felt that you didn't hear what you wanted to hear.

"Black Cat, I'll reach out to you when the time comes. In the meantime, do whatever you like to Spider-man. I'll see you soon." His hologram glitched before completely disappearing, leaving no trace of the infamous gang leader. Julius tilted his head down slightly as a goodbye as familiar specks of white and blue surrounded him. It wasn't long before he was also gone.

You let go of Spider-man, giving him a rough push out of anger. Not at him, but at your father for leaving you with more questions.

"Just what the hell does that old man mean?" You turned around and grumbled to yourself. It was then that you looked up to finally notice the large crowd of L/N's henchmen surrounding you with guns loaded. Although, it wasn't pointed to you, but Spider-man. "Oh um."

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