~ Five

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"In two days, Julius wants me to meet him here for some unknown reason. I'm pretty sure it's to have a 'civil' chat about me returning to the organization." You sighed, leaning back. Spider-man turned to look at you.

"Doesn't sound civil to me. What if you don't?"

You thought for a moment, reflecting on a memory. A feeling of dread overcame you for a short moment.

"If you don't come, we'll kill that little squirt you saved awhile ago."

Your breath hitched and you almost forgot how to breathe.

"Why did you save me?"

"Because you reminded me of someone."

After collecting yourself quickly, you answered his question. Your voice was softer than how it usually was. "He has... something to use against me."

Spider-man noticed the change in tone. He knew you didn't want to dig deeper into the topic so he chose not to pry. He continued the conversation.

"So you want to stop him too? Is that why you're telling me this?"

"By working with you, correct." You smirked. Yawning, you stretched your arms upwards and arched your back. He quickly looked away. "But I also love talking to you."

He rolled his eyes under his mask and looked the other way. "Can we just get straight to the business? You're distracting me and that's not a good thing."

You put your hands out in front of you in defense and laughed before resting them on your lap, "Julius is a better combatant than I am. He'll beat me and win if it's the last resort."

"So you have a plan." He stated and you nodded.

"It'll be fun if you come along." It sounded more like a flirtatious offer than a genuine order.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "...Can we just be serious about this? You're distracting me."

"Distracting you?" Acting oblivious and tapping your bottom lip made him only more annoyed.

"You know what I- nevermind." He grumbled to himself and you only laughed at him more before continuing your explanation.

"Listen, he'll most likely bring me back to the organization by force if I don't comply. When he does, he'll take me to one of their bases."

"You're telling me there's more than one?"

"Isaac L/N will make sure that he is almost impossible to track. He's got dozens of bases, but one is enough to find the rest if you play your cards right."

"Fantastic," he replied sarcastically. "How is that gonna work?"

"You'll see. As I'm taken to a base, you can follow me. Also can I borrow some of your trackers?"

His body language told you that he didn't trust you. He shoulders were tense and there was a short pause before he answered. But deep down, he began to trust you more than he used to.

"Fine. If I see you use these for anything else, I'm turning you in." With a click of a button on his watch, tiny robotic spiders appear and land on the palm of his hand. He brings his hand to yours and they crawl onto your arm. Knowing these spiders weren't real ones, you didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Cute." You complimented. He grumbled under his breath. The spiders then fold their legs inward, allowing you to place them in your pouch to use for later. "Anyways, I'm hungry and I think this is enough chit chat for today." Hopping onto your feet almost leaning off the ledge, you checked your nonexistent watch. It felt pretty late and your social battery was drained.

Spider-man stood up as well. You watched the way his body moved and observed the details of his suit. "If you say so. Don't think I'm going to let you loose after this whole thing just 'cause you helped me."

"Wasn't thinking that at all. By the way, that suit is nanotech, right? Do you wear clothes under? Does it fit? I'm really tired of having to squeeze into this thing." You pulled at the collar of your suit. It was genuine curiosity. He could probably remove the suit with a single thought.

"I don't need to tell you." He turned around and prepared to leave. His hands were on his hips.

"Come on, I wanna know."

He turns back towards you, taking a step."Let me ask you the same thing. Do you?"

"Want to find out?"

"Are you-" he sighs and then mumbles, "No I don't."

"What was that?"

"I. Don't."

"You're telling me if I break this suit down somehow, I'm going to see you butt, ass naked?"

"I'm not continuing this conversation. Go home!" A web shoots from his wrist and just before he leaves you say your goodbyes.

"It's okay I don't wear clothes either!" He swings off the skyscraper onto one building after another. Until he was out of your sight you also went home. Today was long, and since there was no work tomorrow, you had chores at home. But the sooner you finish the sooner you can have your free time.

You headed to your base then back to home while checking if anyone was following you. Knowing you were in the clear, you ate dinner and slept soundly in your bed.


Quiet as a Cat ~ Miguel O'haraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें