~ Nine

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Together, you and Spider-man stood atop a skyscraper and waited for Julius to arrive. This time, there was a short wall on the ledge that you leaned on while gazing at the view. You crossed your arms and looked at Spider-man. He simply stood beside you, but facing his entire body towards the ledge without leaning on the wall.

"Did Julius say when exactly he would be here?"

You looked at your nails and replied, "No, but it's usually late at night. He hates standing around in broad daylight. If only he was a vampire that you could just burn in the sun."

His head turned to look at you. His curiosity had him wondering what your relationship with Julius specifically was. You know a few things about him personally and he was to know as well even if it's of know benefit. Just what sort of relationship do you have with others compared to what you have with him? Before he could even ask, you sidetracked to another topic.

"Speaking of vampires, tell me about your fangs." You leaned in towards him and tapped the lower part of his mask. He surprisingly didn't back away. The close proximity was now something he was used to.

"What about it?"

"You tried biting me on our first date. What was that for?"

Date? More like fight. "My teeth secrete a venom just like spiders. But it only paralyzes my target. I wasn't trying to eat you or anything." You nodded at his response. A  tiny part of you was jealous that his fangs were capable of that. Your fangs were just there for biting.

"Let me see them."


"Can I see them?"

"But you've already seen them."

"Yeah but that was for the shortest second. Come on, let me see it before I rip your mask off like last time."

"Okay, fine, fine. Here." The lower half of his mask disappears. The rest of his face was still covered but you didn't mind. All you paid attention to were his teeth.

Spider-man opens his mouth. It was normal set of teeth until his canines extended to sharp fangs. You gazed at the teeth in awe. They were sharper and more prominent.

Not caring about the close proximity, you grabbed his head with both hands to get a closer look. "They're really sharp."

"Don't you have fangs too? I feel uncomfortable being closely observed like this."

"Yours are nicer. Look, mine are more blunt!" You showed your fangs by giving him a wide smile. Spider-man closed his mouth to look. You were right. His were much more capable of damage, but that didn't mean your fangs couldn't be used to bite others.

Before the conversation could continue, the two of you heard the sound of footsteps from afar. You peeked over the ledge and saw Julius waiting. It was time to go.

"You got the trackers?"


"Here's one more for yourself." He moves your hair to the side and places one more bug on the nape of your neck.

"Still don't trust me? It's not like I'm gonna run away or betray you." The sarcastic tone in your voice didn't seem to humor him.

"I just need to keep track of where they're going to take you."

"Very well. Don't do anything until I give the signal, alright? I'll see you!"

"Wait, what signal-"

With the press of a button you disappeared. You cloaked yourself and made your way to Julius. So far, there didn't seem to be anybody with him.

Carefully, you came up to him from behind. You stopped when you were about a yard away and then uncloaked yourself.

It seems like you didn't need to announce your presence as Julius turned towards you. This man has gotten stronger in the past few years so you had to stay wary.

"Care to tell me why you wanted me here?" You narrowed your eyes.

"I'm here to tell you a few things on behalf of the boss." He adjusted the cuffs on his wrists. The casual tone in his voice only made you tense. You took a breath in and out to calm yourself down. That plain white mask of his only made it more difficult to read him.

"I'm listening."

"First of all, that child is still untouched. We won't harm him as long as you follow our directions." You gritted your teeth at his statement. Your blood boiled at his threat and you could do nothing but listen.

"What do you want from me?"

"We want you to see what we've created. How you and Spider-man aren't the only monsters anymore." He emphasized the 'monsters' and caused you to flinch. More and more questions crossed your mind.

"Why are you experimenting on more people? I thought we were done with this."

"So you've already heard," He started, "Let's just say they sell for a lot. They'll make great tools once they're granted the right abilities."

"That's insane."

"We simply want you back into the organization whether you like it or not. Your father will tell you more when we take you back."

Spider-man observed from afar. He noticed how stiff and tense your body vision. Something must have happened in your past to have you behave like this towards an old 'acquaintance'.

"Fine." You answered, "I'll go back. Just don't hurt him."

He seemed to be pleased by your response. A subtle nod with his head told you enough. He brought his hand forward, implying for you to take it.

Hesitantly, you grabbed his hand and noticed a strange watch. Both of you were suddenly surrounded by flashing hues of white and blue. He was teleporting the two of you with whatever device he held.

In the corner of you eye, you saw Spider-man preparing to make a move. You gave him a sharp glare, signaling him not to engage. You had to dig deeper before making an offensive move.

Spider-man froze at the look you gave him. He decided to trust you and wait to see what happens. Once Julius takes you to a base, then he can go track you down. 

The colors engulfed you in a sphere until it shrunk into nothing. Therefore, you were gone at the moment.


"I'm here?"

"Track them down."


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