~ Two

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"I could have saved myself, but I don't mind being a damsel in distress if it means you're coming to save me." Once your shock died down, you went back to how you always treated your favorite hero.

Spider-man continued swinging between buildings while finding a good place to stop. To your surprise, the eyes on his mask showed a lot of emotion. You could tell he was upset.

"You were not going to survive a fall a thousand feet off the ground." He said with irritation. The man found an empty alleyway for you two to talk. After checking if the coast was clear, he let you go. "Now explain to me why one of Isaac L/N's henchmen pushed you off a skyscraper." You winced at the name. Just the sound of it made you uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about it." You crossed your arms and looked the other way, not wanting to dig too deep into the topic. He can't know about you're relationship with Isaac L/N. That could expose your identity and you didn't want it to be known that you're the daughter of a crime boss.

He stepped closer you. You had to look up at him as he towered you. With his hands on his hips he asked, "You think I'm gonna wave this off after you sent a distress signal to me?"

Bewildered, you furrowed your brows and shook your head, "A distress signal? I didn't send any- oh that stupid fucker Arlo-" You grumbled to yourself before looking back at Spider-man, batting your eyelashes. "Look, just pretend nothing happened, 'kay?"

You couldn't tell what his expression was under the mask. All he did at the moment was look down at you. You weren't too short compared to him. Your head reached his chin, but with his large frame, you felt like a bug.

"...Your neck." He pushed your hair to the side to reveal purple marks, "It's bruised."

You observed his actions while slapping his hand away, "Worried, are we?"

"Isaac L/N doesn't send his most valuable asset to go after just anybody." He starts, "You're important to him. Why?"

"None of your business," The thought of getting him a little riled up came to you.

"Answer the question."


"Cat, listen to me."

"I don't wanna."

"Please, just-" His tone raises the more you persist in not telling him.

"Why do you want to know so bad, Spidey?"

"I need to stop him before he does something dangerous." He tries to reason. This caught your full attention. Is this why your father wanted you to come back? He's definitely planning something.

"What is it?"

"Will you answer me first?" As his irritation grows, his brows furrow more as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You gave in and sighed. This man seemed pretty desperate and you didn't want to get on his nerves more than you already did.

Clearing your throat you decided to give him what he wanted. As much as it was a long time ago, you hated thinking about this topic. "I was once a part of his organization." You waved your hands in defense before he could get a chance to speak, "I didn't really have a choice that time, but I left that place the second I got the chance to. Now, he wants me to return."


"Depends. What is he planning right now?"

The man hesitated for a moment, unsure as to whether or not he should tell you. It was understandable because the two of your weren't really on the same side. Since you seemed to be against the man, he might as well tell you if he wants information in return. "He's been taking part in trafficking. Buying people and experimenting on them. And by experimenting on them I mean-"

"Splicing their genetic codes with different animals..." Connecting the dots, you finished his sentence, "He wants to strengthen his forces by mutating children. He wants to make people like you, Spider-man." The frown on your face was very much noticeable. This was something you've feared for a long time.

You could tell he was surprised from under the mask. "How do you know that?"

"I was his first ever experiment." You reluctantly answer. The memory gave you shudders, but you made sure to keep your cool.


"Years ago, Isaac L/N met a man named Tyler Stone, who gave him the idea of genetic splicing. At first, he didn't think much about what he was talking about until he saw you. Your arachnid-like abilities inspired him. So he wanted to make a mutant just like you, and that's where I came in."

"Then that means..."

Your nails extended, revealing your claws. The claws grazed his shoulders as you walked around him.

"You're the reason why I'm the Black Cat, Spidey. Your existence made me who I am now."


Quiet as a Cat ~ Miguel O'haraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя