~ Six

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You lived in the lower-class part of the city, sleeping a simple apartment that can fit all the items you've ever stolen. You couldn't be more satisfied with your living conditions.

Usually, your days were determined by the moment you wake up. If you can't get out of bed on time, it's not good. Sometimes you're too tired to even lift an arm. Today was in the middle.

Laundry, groceries, dishes, exercise, cleaning. Those were on your to-do list for the day. It seems like a lot, but you loved running errands. It was the more civilian side of your identity and was less stressful than what you usually do at night. It's also pretty easy since you're only helping yourself and nobody else.

The day went by fairly fast with the time only being 6:00pm. You had plenty of time to spare.

You cooked yourself some enchiladas for dinner and contemplated as to what you wanna do for the night. It was either to sleep so that you have enough energy for work the next day, or stay up late and go to a club until you wake up inside of a garbage can.

You went for the choice that made the most sense.

Running to your closet, you found a black dress that showed enough skin to not feel too hot and to not bring too much attention to you. Just one light drink at the bar and you're heading home.

After showing your ID to some bouncers, you walked in and squeezed through the crowd of people dancing. Your body twisted and turned as you made your way to your favorite robotic bartender. Sitting at a stool, you slapped your credit card on the table.

Not listening to what you swore to do earlier, you said, "Give me a shot your strongest." You're a big heavyweight, so it'll take more than a single drink to getting you wobbling.

Another hand slammed another card on your right. A very tall and handsome man took a seat beside you. His brown hair and eyes almost pulled you into him, but you kept your composure in front of this incredibly beautiful man and listened to his words.

"Make that two." The bartender took the money and got to work.

You turned to him in interest. People have almost gotten themself killed after trying a shot of the bar's strongest drink. It was a surprise to know that they haven't done anything to ban it. "You new here?"

He had fair skin and a strong bone structure. For a man so handsome, he looks like he fought a gang of rouge robots based off of the stone cold look in his face. He also had one killer body.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm basically a veteran."

"Hm." You notice him look you up and down for a quick moment. Shivers ran through your body. "I've never seen you before."

You decided to bring your full attention to him by pointing your knees towards him. You propped your left elbow on the table and leaned on it. The two of you kept eye contact. "I rarely come here, but I've been here since this place opened up."

"Me too," He responded. You could hardly read the blank look on his face, but based off of how he's still talking to you, he's probably interested. He stuck a hand out, "Miguel O'hara."

You reciprocated and shook his hand, "Y/N Parker." After you two shook hands, neither one tried to let go for a long second. That was until the bartender came with your drinks. He placed the drinks in front of you guys.

You took one, giving the bot a thanks. Miguel did the same thing. "Are you sure you can hold your liquor?" You narrowed your eyes jokingly and held the glass up.

He raised his glass to yours, making a clink sound and smirked, "Probably more than you can."

"Is that a challenge?" You placed your foot on the footrest of his stool. He looked down then back up.

The two of you looked at each other for what felt like a century. The challenging look on your faces said enough and together, you downed your first shot.

The strong taste of alcohol burned your throat, but so far your head felt as clear as day. Miguel asked for another shot for the both of you.

"Do you have a family?" He asked.

"Nope. I live alone."

"Any pets?"


"Not even dogs?"

"I'm allergic."

"What do you do for a living?"

"You know, you're making this sound more like an interview than a genuine chat between strangers." Your drinks arrived. The amount of questions this guy was asking was unbelievable.

"I have to get to know you somehow." He raises his glass and you reciprocate. You clink glasses and drink them.

"You're really bad at it."

What was once two drinks turned into four. And four into eight. At that point, your mind began to fuzz by the tiniest bit. You could hardly tell your lefts and rights.

Miguel was also slowly losing himself. He noticed you hold your head and decided that it was time to end it there.

"Let's get outta here." He stood up and helped you off your seat, grabbing both of your arms. He wasn't as affected by the drink as you were. Still, it was impressive to take in that many shots.

Instead of replying, your body moved on its own. Your arms reached around his neck and your face neared his. He moved his hands to your waist having the same feeling that you felt.

The last thing you remembered was the warm sensation on your lips.


Quiet as a Cat ~ Miguel O'haraWhere stories live. Discover now