~ Four

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"Took you long enough. Wanna hear the news?"

Miguel took a bite out of the tamale in his hand, while approaching the platform where he does all his work. Lyla stood by, waiting for him.

"Hit me."

A dozen photos popped up before him. Each with photos of Black Cat caught on security footage. He noticed that your hair was much shorter and your clothes weren't as skin tight than when he last saw it, which made him assume that you were younger. Now that he thought about it, you are probably less prone to getting caught now that you're more skilled in the art of robbery which is why there are rarely anymore recent photos of you.

"I tracked down a former member of L/N's organization. He gave me a bit of info on Black Cat."

"You threatened him didn't you?"

"Want me to tell you how?" A video popped up showing a middle aged man in his pajamas being put in a chokehold by a robot.

He cringed at the sight, "Yeah, I don't need to know about that. Continue."

She returned to the topic at hand, "Based off of what you told me, the Black Cat never gained her abilities until after you became Spider-man."

He nodded, "That's right."

"According to the former member, the Black Cat was already popular among the criminal business years before." She displays several more photos, containing items that supposedly went missing.

"She's known for stealing any item she laid eyes on without getting caught, and Isaac L/N favored her for this. Without her, he wouldn't have been such a powerful crime lord."

"So that's probably why he wants her back. Any records of her killing?"

Lyla tapped her chin while thinking,  "As far as I know, Black Cat hasn't killed anyone. The most she's reportedly done is knock out a person and leave a few bruises in the midst of her heists."

Miguel took the information in with another nod, but one more question lingered in his mind, "Do you know what happened when she left that organization?"

Lyla answered, "I'm not sure, but shortly after you became Spider-man, an incident occurred in which an explosion supposedly killed a girl and her little brother. Sound familiar?"

It took him a moment to process, but the realization kicked in, "That was when I first met Isaac L/N to investigate it. The two who died were..."

"Y/N and Leo L/N, Isaac's children. This was also when Isaac L/N's organization took a downfall. Other gangs became stronger because there was no Black Cat to threaten them."

"So you're saying...?"

"I think that's there's a connection between Black Cat and that explosion."

Miguel noticed a gap in her explanation. Something didn't fit right between the time he became Spider-man and the time she left L/N's gang. "But when was she experimented on?"

"That's the thing," Lyla started, "I think that the experiment they did on her was the cause of the explosion."


"On the line!" The gym echoes with groans. Once they all did as told, they ran back and forth across the court five times. They panted and panted until their breath was finally steady.

"Good job, now go put the nets away. Someone get that ball over there!" Together, the team works to clean up the court after running around with their blood sweat and tears.

One of your players approaches you, "Coach, I'm not gonna be here next practice." Your smile doesn't waver.

"That's too bad, Izzy. I was going to have the team do some conditioning that day. I'll just move it until you come back." The surrounding teammates who heard the statement whined until you gave them a look that made them shut up.

"Ughhh, coach! I have a date after practice! I don't want to show up all sweaty and sore!" One of your more outgoing players approached you.

"Maybe if you didn't skip out so much, you wouldn't be looking so bad." You shrugged.

Under her breath, you somehow heard her mumble in a mocking tone, "Maybe if you had a boyfriend, then you wouldn't be so grumpy-"

"On the line, Kaylie."


After a long day of coaching and making sure everyone left the gym, you returned to your base. Donning your skin tight suit—which took a bit of effort to put on—you went to see your favorite hero. The grappling hooks that broke were also replaced by your extras.

There was no specific place to meet, except that you told Spider-man to find you like he always did, so you went to your favorite art gallery.

Second to jewelry, was art. You loved the meanings behind them and just looking at it gives you a tranquil feeling. Plus, the prices on them can also lure your attention.

Today, you didn't really feel like stealing anything. Just a little walk through the gallery was enough to alert the system as well as Spider-man. But before you could even bother to go inside through the vent on the roof, your hand was webbed to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Joy filled you and you smiled, "You caught me."

"That's right."

Spider-man approached you, crouching down. The end of his pointer finger suddenly extended to a sharp point and he used it to help release you from the web. You flex your hand freely and looked at his hand, "Claws too?"

"They're actually talons."

You nodded and grabbed his hand softly which he surprisingly squeezed in response, "Come with me." Before his hand could feel the warmth of your grasp, you slipped away and walked in another direction. He took the initiative to follow.

Over several buildings and roads, you stopped at your favorite skyscraper. By now, it's obvious that you loved views from above. You sat on the ledge and patted the spot beside you. He sat next to you too.

"Now, let's talk."


SUPER SUPER late update sorry guys

I'm on vacation rn and have loads of plans so please understand that updates might be a little slow.

Anyways thank you SO much for 3k reads. I don't really respond to your comments but I do read them and I'm really grateful for the support.

See you all in the next chapter <33

Quiet as a Cat ~ Miguel O'haraWhere stories live. Discover now