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    Rage is bubbling up inside me. Callas is whispering something I can't hear into Hannah's ear. She has so much anger and hate in her it's causing her body to shake.

    The glass slips from my fingers as Hannah whispers something back into Callas's ear. His face shifts from a scowl to shock as the glass shatters on the ground. It echos in the vast hall. I take a few steps back from the broken glass and hide in the crowd.


    Everyone in the ballroom looks around confused.


    Callas yells. He screams something about disrespect and ruining the moment he's been waiting for.


    I can see Hannah pull the grenades from under her dress. I discretely do the same.


    Callas turns back to Hannah, knife right to her throat. My muscles strain against the temptation to run up and end him now; and abandon our plan all together.


    A bead of blood forms on her neck, the blade breaking her delicate skin. A smirk pulls at the corner of her mouth.



    I stop. My breath leaves me. Judging by the way Hannah hasn't released her grenades yet either, she's holding own. A woman steps out into the middle of the room. She pulls the snake mask off her face.

    My mother.

    We lock eyes immediately. I knew it was her when she called my name. My feet pulled me forward through the crowd. I land in front of my mother and slip my own mask off my face, tossing it carelessly to the floor.

    "Put the grenade down, Matthew," She speaks softly.

    I look down, realizing I still hold one of them in my hand. I'm to stunned to speak. The tension in my body slackens just a bit with my mothers presence. She must notice because she takes a step towards me.

    "Don't," I go rigid again and take a step back. "Come any closer." I tighten my grip.

    She freezes in place.

    "Matthew..." Her voice is tender. "Honey, come on now. We can leave all of this behind."

    I look over at Hannah. The guard–who was unnecessarily rough with her–holds her grenades in hand. Hannah looks frightened. Defeated.

    "You're a traitor..." My voice is low. All my worst fears about her involvement are proven true.

    "I did it for us..." She puts on her best, loving mother, voice. "President Callas has given us safe passage over the sea. Money to settle down somewhere We can leave. Live a peaceful life away from this country."

    What do I even say to that? A new life? She is going to sacrifice the whole country for passage across the sea? The people I grew up with, the people she grew to call family. Years of sacrifices for the rebellion, and for what?

    "You betrayed people you once called family," My grip on the grenade in my hand tightens. Her eyes glance at it nervously. "We've done so much to try and make life better for everyone. Made so many sacrifices."

    Callas's chuckle pulls my gaze away from my mother. "And how did that turn out for you?" He now stands only a foot behind her.

    "Quiet Cameron!" My mother snaps. "I can handle this."

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