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I continued on my merry way to the bathroom after the eavesdropping Matthew and I did. The steam from the recently warmed water filled the air. It cleared my brain and relaxed my muscles. I nearly jump out of my skin and grab a towel. Only my bra and underwear cover me until I have the towel wrapped tightly around my body. I don't see who has entered, but the heavy boot steps tell me it has to be a man. The door clicks, and I know its been locked. A shudder runs through me wondering how it was even unlocked in the first place.

"Who's there?" I curse at myself, my voice coming out shakier than I expect it to. "I'm in here trying to take a bath! Get out!"

The foot steps send a rush of terror through me. The vibrations of each step roll through the ground and crawl up my legs, making all my hairs stand on end. They get closer until I see him round the corner of the partition that blocks the door from view.


The steam that was once keeping me warm can no longer do so. It seems to avoid me, making me shiver. I don't doubt that my fear is getting the best of me at the moment, making it much, much worse.

Romano stares at me. His eyes are glazed over. Dark brown eyes look up at me through thick bushy brows. They look like two red red hot embers with the warm candle light reflecting off the floor. There is a knife in his hand. Long, sharp and ominous. I can already feel the cold metal on my skin, stinging with Romano's obvious intentions. All the slowly healing cuts begin to burn with the memories of the last time I was met with a blade. They scream at me to protect myself from such pain again.

I take slow deliberate steps back towards the only thing in the room I can use to defend myself. The stool set near the tub.

"What are you doing in here Romano?" I can hardly find my voice. The way is looking at me is making it hard to breath. "Get out..."

"Tsk, tsk..." He clicks his tongue. The sound echos off the walls and stab me in the stomach. "It's obvious what I'm in here to do..." He holds up his knife and runs a finger lightly across the blade. Examining its curves like he would a woman's. "Don't make this hard for me. I don't have a choice. He promised me such great things." An evil sneer pulls up the corner of his mouth.

For such a large man, his steps are faster than I thought possible. He is in front of me and swinging in three long strides. I barely manage to dodge his first swing. I turn and rush to the stool behind me. I almost reach it but collapse when I feel a blunt pain hit the back of my knee. I hit the stone floor so hard I swear it could crack beneath me.

I'm quick to flip myself over and fend off my attacker as much as I can. Romano straddles me, his weight pinning me to the cold floor. I strain against him desperately trying to wriggle free. I see the glint of his blade as he holds it above me. My hands fly wildly above me trying to find something to save myself.

When they brush against something I grab it and swing it at his face. It's a long wooden back scrubber and it hits the side of his head. The force causes him to stumble and lift his weight off of me just enough to slip away. My towel is pulled free and I'm left exposed, in only my undergarments once again. I run to the stool. I hold it in front of me, the stool legs facing him. Romano smiles that evil smile once again. He knows as well as I do that it won't hold him off for long.

I let loose the loudest yell I can manage and charge at him. I swing the stool. He lifts an arm to block the blow and only stumbles on step. My feet are thinking for me as they drag me towards the door. My feet run out from under me as Romano grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me back. I'm thrown towards the bathtub. My head scarcely misses the edge of the tub when I fall onto my butt.

Rage is filling every bit of Romano's presence. His face is contorted in anger, his muscles are bulging and tense. He didn't expect me to be so difficult to kill. His footsteps are heavier than ever as he stomps over to me. I don't have a change to react. He grabs me by the neck, lifts me and plunges my head into the tub. The heat of the water on my cold body shocks me. I almost breath in the water.

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