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Marina jumps as she hears glass shatter and she quickly runs outside to find Donte smashing up mr Lawsons car, she stood there scared she knew something was wrong with donte but she didn't think things were this bad "Donte stop!" Marina shouted at donte trying not to get him in trouble but he didn't listen. she flinched every time the bat hit a piece of glass. As more and more people surrounded us Donte announced that chlo had cheated on him with Brett , Marina shot her head around to look at chlo next to her she couldn't believe Chlo would do this, her and donte we're supposed to be endgame. Soon Mr Lawson and Mr rimmer ran over and stopped everything Marina tried to talk to donte but he ignored her so she sat behind the school alone just observing she liked to do that whenever she was stressed or sad. until she heard a voice say 'Y'alright' she looked across to see Bolton sitting next to her "what are you doing here?" Bolton asked
"I just can't believed that happened chlo's broken his heart and now he won't even speak to me" Marina looked down.
Bolton grabbed marinas hand in hopes to comfort her
Marina smiled
They heard the bell ring so they quickly walked away in different directions, Bolton went to go find Paul and Marina went to go find Danielle as aleesha had to practice for the play but as she was walking through the doors when Chlo grabbed her arm and pulled her away "look Marina I'm so so sorry about what happened to donte I just want you to know I never meant to hurt him I want him to know that as well please can you tell him?" Marina felt this anger grow in her like she needed to protect her brother " I'm not gonna make him forgive you because your a slag". Marina walked away, she realised how cheesy that probably sounded but it was better than her fighting Chlo for donte. She caught up to Danielle and they spent the whole of lunch slagging off chlo. When she got home she felt her phone buzzing so she checked to see bolton calling her she quickly declined as donte was more important at that moment. As she turned the corner into the living room she found donte lying down on the sofa crying.
" hey donte"
Donte quickly whipped his head around to face Marina
"Oh hey meens"
Marina sat down and as she did donte lay his head on her shoulder while she comforted him.
-1 hour later-
Donte and Marina wer deciding what to have for read when she checked her phone for find messages from Bolton
"Are you ok? 16:00"
"Why did you decline? 16:00"
"Why aren't you answering? 16:10"
Marina quickly told donte she had to do something and she went upstairs and called him
"Hey Bolton I'm so sorry I didn't answer".
"Atleast I know your not dead or anything" he laughs
"Haha I just needed to see Donte after everything happened you know"
"Yeah that's fair , tell him I said I'm sorry about everything".
"Yeah will do".
"I've got to go mums back now"
"Ok bye" Marina chuckles
"Bye" Bolton quickly hangs up as his mum shouts for him to come down
Marina runs downstairs and goes back to help donte cook dinner
"ooo was that a boyfriend"
"Oh shut it donte, it was Bolton and he said that he's sorry about what happened..yk with everything.
Donte frowned slightly after having to think about it again
"Tell him I said thanks"
Marina quickly texted Bolton saying donte thanked him
They're dad finally got home and they all ate dinner, Marina and her dad trying they're hardest to cheer donte up

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