Fight club

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Marina's grouchy as she yet again has to wake up at 7am for school only she perked up abit when she saw that she had English today miss kareshi can barely teach the class so she can just sleep and mess around and also she's sat by Bolton. She'd always pretend like she didn't wanna talk to him or that she didn't like him but in reality she thought he was really funny and he was nice to her.
She rolled her eyes as she walked over to the pack of kids hanging around behind the school,she was curious to see what was happening but frowned when she saw Bolton with this other kid In her's not that she's upset they're fighting she was just hoping it was something more exciting, everyone ran away once they heard a teacher coming.
Bolton stopped in his tracks a little once he saw Marina walking away from where they were he quickly jogged to her
"What's a girl like you doing on her own?"
"Funny smilie I was actually checking what everyone was fussing over im going to my mates now."
"Did you like what you saw or...."
"I mean I like the odd fight but atleast make it impressive."
Marina smirks and walk inside to find janeece and Maxine and sees them talking to mr wilding
Marina says
"ooo mr wilding I'll definitely be auditioning for that." And she winks at him as she writes her name down.
Marina sits down in mr budgens class for registration
"You alright budgen?"
"Now who do I ow the pleasure of speaking to?"
Mr budgen says not looking up from his racing paper
"It's Marina Charles sir."
Budgen puts the paper down
"Well enough of the talk"
"That's rude sir"
Marina says annoyed, this then turns into an argument resulting in Marina being sent to the cooler for the day. Marina was alright with it though because she didn't have to do lessons and because budgen had sent her in registration no one was there so she went on her phone for half the time she was in there.
-fast forward-
None other than mr Bolton smile walks in to the cooler he sees marina in there and decides to sit next to her.
"You know there are other seats smilie."
"Alright moody I just chose this seat ok."
Marina turned to him sympathetically
"What you in here for?"
"Mr lawson found out about me fighting paul."
"Oh why were you fighting him though? I've never seen you in the same room as him before you don't really have a reason to smack him around."
"I promised I wouldn't say anything but his uncles been smacking him around I've just been helping him toughen up you know?."
Marina looks down
"What you in for?"
Bolton asks
"Arguing with budgen In registration"
They sit in silence for about ten minutes
Marina looks at the clock and jumps up oh shit I'm supposed to audition for the musical now,she grabs her bags and as she leaves she says bye to Bolton he laughed as she left, he felt weird around her sort of excited he didn't know how to describe it so he just put his head down and went to sleep so he didn't think about it.

Marina ran to mr wildings music room ready for the auditions when she got in donte was just starting her audition she sat next to Danielle and aleesha
Marina couldn't contain her laughter at donte's freestyle rap he'd wrote and janeeces rendition of hips don't lie by shakira.
She was already nervous about singing infront of people but felt even more nervous after hearing aleesha's and mika's amazing auditions.
Marina was the last to audition,she walked to the stage and said
"I'm Marina Charles and I'm singing only girl by Rhianna
She smiled and started singing:

^ This video is what she would've sounded like

Once you finished singing everyone clapped and donte whistled and when you got off the stage he kept telling me how good I was. What you didn't know was donte filmed it all not only to show their dad but also ended up showing the school.
Aleesha seemed annoyed and I overheard her saying how she can't lose the audition to Marina or mika.
In the end Mika got the main role, aleesha and Marina were convinced it was because Brett ended up auditioning and got the other main role.

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