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Marina is currently sat In English contemplating her life as she is listening to miss kareshi speak about Romeo and Juliet
"Umm Marina can you read Juliet's part"
Marina looks up in disgust as miss kareshi says that
Miss kareshi then points around the room
"Umm and.....Bolton can you read Romeo's part please" miss kareshi raises her voice at Bolton who was asleep
Bolton wakes up and obliges
Marina reads "O Romeo,Romeo,wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a capulet"
Bolton looks at Marina intensely
"Shall I hear more,or shall I speak at this?". Bolton says in very bad Shakespearean language
Marina looks at Bolton and reads
"Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself,though not a montague;What's montague? It is nor hand nor foot, Nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man".
-Bell rings-
Marina quickly shuts the book and walks out the classroom
Bolton catches up to her
"Yeah just glad it's a Friday,hate this place"
-fast forward to the next day-
Marina's makeup and outfit:

 -Bell rings-Marina quickly shuts the book and walks out the classroom Bolton catches up to her "Y'alright""Yeah just glad it's a Friday,hate this place""Yeah"-fast forward to the next day-Marina's makeup and outfit:

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Marina was sat at her vanity finishing off her make up when someone knocked at the door, she quickly ran downstairs to answer it, she opened the door to see Bolton on the other side

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Marina was sat at her vanity finishing off her make up when someone knocked at the door, she quickly ran downstairs to answer it, she opened the door to see Bolton on the other side.
"Oh...hey Bolton". Marina said awkwardly
"Hey I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out?"
"Hmm sure just let me get my shoes on"
Marina quickly slipped her trainers on and walked outside to Bolton
"So..are we meeting Paul or something?"
Marina smiled cause she knew he was lying.
-fast forward 20 minutes-
Bolton was leading marina up a hill
"Uhh this is starting to seem pretty weird"
Bolton laughs
"We're here now"
Bolton sits under the singular tree in the middle of the hill
Marina sits down next to him
"So why did you bring me here then.."
"Just wanted to hang out you know"
-fast forward an hour-
Marina laughs loudly
"I'm not joking budgen literally charged at me when he realised I was the one who wrote 'twat' on his forehead"
Bolton laughs loudly
"Budgen's such a tosser"
Marina's phone rings, it's donte
Sorry bolton gotta take this
"No problem" bolton says watching her walk away
-phone call-
"Hey donte"

"Where are you? Dads worried"

"I wrote a note by the fridge I've gone out with mates"

"Ok I'll tell him that, also we're getting a Chinese for tea what do you want?"

"Ughh donte just get me a chow mien or something now bye"
Marina hangs up embarrassed hoping Bolton didn't here anything and she walks back up to the tree.
Bolton turns to her as she sits down and chuckles
"Chow meins my favourite too"
"Oh shut up, he could have just asked me when I got home"
They both laugh
"It looks so beautiful from up here"
Marina says looking at all the hills in the distance
"Yeah I like to walk home this way it's dead nice". Bolton says
"I'd love to film movies in places like this". Marina says
"You wanna film movies?" Bolton asks
"Not really film movies,I'd like to be in movies but doubt that could happen" Marina frowns
"Nahh if you put your mind to it you'd be able to be like all those famous actresses living in America"
"With their husbands and children living in a 3 story mansion with their dogs and servants thinking they're on top of everyone" Marina says finishing his sentence
She turns to him
"Yeah fuck that"
"We'll I'm sure it would be nice to have that stuff" Bolton says
"I'm sure it would but if I was famous I'd want to use it to promote what I believe in..you know not Just forget about my life and become a narcissist like everyone else in the industry"
Bolton smiles
"Deep stuff man!"
Marina laughs
"I just wouldn't want to pretend that my life was perfect and act fake"
"Anyway...What about you Bolton? What do you wanna do after we leave that shithole" Marina chuckles
Bolton laughs
"I wanna do music you know"
That's cool I love music, I totally wanna be in one of this films about a band where I could do one of those epic guitar solos" they both laugh
"I'm gonna be one of the biggest rappers in the world" Bolton bigs himself up
Marina smiles
"And I'll be your number one fan, I'll come to all your gigs and that".
They carry on talking and laughing for abit
They both accidentally touch hands and look away embarrassed
"Oh sorry bout that" Bolton exclaimed
"Don't matter" Marina says

They look at each other for a few seconds until Bolton leans in....and kisses her cheek

Boltons pov
Fuck sakes man why'd you do that he says to himself

They both look away
I'm sorry man I didn't mean to do that

They both start laughing
"I better get home now, my mum will be pissed" Bolton says in the awkward silence
"Oh Yeah my food will be cold aswell" she laughed
They both walk down the hill and Bolton holds Marina's hand because she looks like she's about to trip
"Aww you really love me don't you" Marina says sarcastically
"No I don't man" Bolton looks away embarrassed
"You so do" Marina laughs as they walk through the wooded path
They both say they're goodbyes and Marina watches as Bolton walks away.

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