Chapter 12 ~ The Garden Party, And Happily Ever After's New Page

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The next day was more beautiful, with no more dark clouds in the sky, the sky all clear with the sun shining, and the best part was that Hannah's garden party was starting with a perfect start. Many people participated and enjoyed the party while helping the garden by planting different plants they liked in each of the spaces all over the garden, especially to have new trees planted while caring for the old ones, helping them be healthy once again. Hannah was in her new clothes and wearing garden gloves to serve drinks to everyone on a serving tray, one glass at a time. She grabs the tray of lemonade and walks up the stone path to give it to each of the guests and neighbors. Hannah saw off the first four to give lemonade to as she watched them work together.

Hannah first walked to the twins dressed in spring-themed clothes of the gypsy mix-modern theme. They were with Other Toby, as he liked his wolf form. They both were with a 12-year-old girl named Kaylo; she had pink hair reaching her back in curls and pink eyes. Her skin was in a dark color tone, and she had a cute smile. The girl wore a music-themed dress matching her hair bandana, wearing a colorful jacket, and colorful striped socks on her legs with pink boots reaching her knees. They had purple bows on them. Next to Kaylo was a young boy around her age named Felix N. Espinal. He had short brown hair that reached a little past his shoulders, normal white skin with a light teal pattern marked on his hands, and light teal blue eyes. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, a pair of blue compression jeans with two sets of pockets in the front of the jeans, a chain-like belt around his waist, and black socks and teal shoes with white stripes. He also had a yellow foxtail on his tailbone at his back, which moved like a real fox's tail. The four then saw Hannah come with the drinks and smiled at her.

Hannah was wearing a light grey tank top shirt with a black heart in the middle, though she wore black track jean pants and greyish black and white shoes; Hannah seemed to be in better shape, being more skinny and flexible with strength as her tank top hanged over part of her flat stomach. In addition, Lyra had given Hannah a shorter haircut to make her more energetic type and to make it easier for her to wash her hair and more positive energy building in her heart. Her tone of voice seemed better and happier than usual, as she had better behavior within her system.

Hannah: Thank you, guys, for helping me with the garden! *gives them the drinks*

Nickaloi September: You're welcome, Hannah. Plus, we also love your new uniform and haircut. Did Lyra style your hair for you?

William September: Yes, I can tell that Lyra is quite the master in doing many hairstyles and in using haircutting skills.

Hannah: Yeah, she thought it would be good for the new me to come out and shine. Plus, it fits me very well with the new look.

The twins and the kids then hold their glasses of lemonade to drink as they look at Hannah, each smiling.

Nickaloi September: And for that, she is right. You seem more in higher spirits than the last we saw you.

William September: I agree, plus we all like to thank you for inviting us to help with your garden, right, Felix and Kaylo?

Kaylo: Yes, thank you very much for inviting us. *happily smiles*

Felix: Yes, the garden will look amazing when we finish it. Still, there may be many more surprises to come. *his tail wags happily and with curiosity*

Hannah smiled and then looked to Other Toby as he nodded, knowing that Roselette had a special surprise for everyone. Hannah goes to give the rest of the drinks to the others. Hannah then saw Kira and Lyra doing one part of the garden planting roses as they were even working on softening all the garden grounds since last night. They wore different clothes to match their personality with the spring feeling as they also saw the weather getting warmer, nearly 21 degrees Celsius. Along with them was a young brunette named Helena Medrano; she wore a black zip jacket, light blue jeans, and black and white shoes for being flat shoes, with her wearing ankle grey socks. Helena also had normal white skin and brown eyes as she had short hair, similar to Hannah's new hairstyle. Beside Helena was another girl who might be younger than Hannah's age, whom her friends call Zaverick; she wore red glasses and had short brown hair with bangs formed to the side of her head. Her eyes were also brown, and her skin was usually white too. She wore a red long-sleeved shirt with black jeans and black flat shoes, feeling comfortable in her uniform.

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