Chapter 7 ~ Trapped Within Other Wonderworld and Ghostly Visitors

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Hannah quietly walked down the stairs with NiGHTS and Reala following her. They went to check if the door to the living room was opened, but for an unsure reason, it was locked up tight. This made Hannah confused and a bit angry. However, she didn't want the anger to build up, so she took three deep breaths.

NiGHTS: Oh dear, this isn't good. *looked in concern*

Reala: Someone locked the door to our escape, for heaven's sake. *crosses his arms, now upset about the locked door* how do we get out of here?

Hannah: Calm down. It may be best to find Lance or the other Toby. Either one of them might help us.

NiGHTS and Reala: Good idea.

Hannah walked with the plushies to the music room, hoping the other Lance was there. To her relief, he was inside, but he was standing by the window looking at his reflection for a minute before noticing Hannah and the plushies. Before any of the trio could speak, Lance softly hushed them.

Lance: Shhh... please come in and keep your voices down. Please, do trust me in this. Come in...

Hannah didn't know why, but she did as Other Lance said; she walked to him only 3 or 5 feet away in case of something wrong.

NIGHTS: Lance, we need to ask you something. It's very urgent.

Reala: Yes, and in hopes you can help us.

Lance: What is it you wish to ask?

Hannah: Lance, we just came down to find the door to the living room is locked, and I want to go home. I also came to tell Balan that I was sorry for what happened.

Other Lance: *gently hushes Hannah and whispers to her* I see... Balan must still be angry because of your outburst, but he thinks all will be good once he entirely rests. It isn't true, so I must not speak out loud when Balan is here.

Hannah: *whispers loudly* Why not?! I just want to go home! I'm even worried about Kira and Lyra...

Lance: Shhh, it's because of his strength, which is mine. A day if he found you trying to'll end up in a lot of trouble. Trust me; you shouldn't let his anger get the best of him.

Hannah soon sighs but sadly nods, realizing that getting angry at Other Lanace would not be an excellent idea.

NIGHTS: If you don't help us, the other Toby could help.

Reala: I agree.

Lance: It's no use... after he had a sad face, Balan didn't like it... *sadly looks to Hannah and in having a feeling not wanting Hannah to get into trouble or worse* I...I don't wish to see you gone forever, Hannah.

Hannah: What do you mean?

Lance: To be honest, something inside him has begun to he is afraid it'll hurt not only us but to hurt you as well.

Hannah: What do you think this 'something' is? And how can I help Balan...?

But before Other Lance could reply, he soon noticed something behind Hannah slowly entering the doorway as it looked like shadowy sharped claws. His face looked in shock and fear. He seems to be the jesters, and Hannah needs them to go now.

Other Lance: Oh's him; that beast is returning. Hannah, please go with NiGHTS and Reala to get away from here. Please, just go! *he pushes Hannah out of the doorway and closes the door suddenly shut, leaving Hannah shocked to hear Other Lance scream in pain within 5 minutes of coming.*

That scream caused Hannah, NIGHTS, and Reala to become terrified and run out of the house for their lives. Hannah kept running to the path where she hoped the old well should be while NiGHTS and Reala followed her fast, staying on her shoulders tight as both were frightened and very sorry for Other Lance. As they went to find the well, they slowed down in getting far away from the house. But they soon heard a bark from below, and Hannah saw the same pup from before now walking with her.

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