Chapter 5 ~ Locked Door Of The Missing Key, And The Denial Of Warnings

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Later in the morning, Hannah drew more drawings to show Lyra what she saw tonight night's new events. But she remembered what she told Balan last night before drifting to sleep... wishing to stay in his dimension. It seemed to be a choice of her own will, but she didn't know if her friends would be happy for her to suddenly want to stay in another world that Hannah had just found for the last two nights. She put it aside and spoke with the girls, wondering about their opinions. Hannah starts to head down the stairs slowly before going to the door in the living room. When she tried to open it, it was locked. Did someone shut the door? Hannah began to think, and did they use the key? Many questions ran into Hannah's mind... but it was no time to worry about it. But intense onto her feet, Hannah wondered why the door was opened suddenly and hoped that her friends could help figure it out. Hannah decided to wait for the girls and make breakfast for them instead and to allow her friends to have the time to relax. The breakfast took around an hour or two, and at the same, Hannah heard her friends yawning as they just woke up and entered the kitchen. Kira yed in, covering her mouth and stretching at the same time while Lyra was writing a grocery list as she was watching Hannah cooking breakfast for the girls this morning.

Kira Yukimura: *yawns before she smiles to see Hannah in the kitchen* Morning, Hannah. Sorry, we've slept in. Is everything okay?

Hannah: I had a fantastic experience the first night; it felt like a realistic dream. In the backyard, there were a lot of flowers and plants in a beautiful garden; it was even filled with squash and tickling snapdragons! Plus, I met another Toby as we went to see an extraordinary circus performance in the attic from another version of our neighbor, Alexander!

Kira Yukimura: What?? Another Alexander and another Toby in that world? Holy cow, Hannah, you are so lucky to see many great things.

Lyra: Goodness gracious! You're fortunate to see them all last night. I wish we could've been with you to see them, Hannah.

Hannah nodded and decided to show the sketches to Lyra and Kira once she finished making breakfast to serve her friends first. Hannah drew the garden, the other Toby, and the other Alexander. But when gazing at the other Toby... she stares at it soon, feeling like she is beginning to fall in love with him, just like with the honest Toby. But, she has never known at first of this. This made Lyra and Kira very curious to notice Hannah's spacing out of one of her drawings, but they both seemed to be wondering about something.

Kira Yukimura: *softly clears her throat* Say, Hannah? Would you like to do the groceries with us today? Lyra and I thought of doing that early today before we forgot. If you want, we can buy anything you like, or get extra gloves in case.

Lyra: Plus, I can get us all something special to drink, like hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream or even some ice cream we will share if you like that.

Hannah: *hears her friends and thinks for a moment* Sure, that is a good idea. But before we go, let me know.

Kira Yukimura: Sure, Hannah. What's up?

Hannah: Did you guys lock the door earlier this morning? I just found it locked tight hours ago before breakfast.

Kira and Lyra looked at each other with confusion, then shook their heads honestly, knowing they didn't lock the door.

Kira Yukimura: I didn't lock it up last night.

Lyra: Me neither, to be honest. We both were still fast asleep and didn't hear anything. *soon starts to think with a confused look* Hmm...maybe it was Toby who did it while sneaking in here while we slept, and for that, the key is missing too.

Hannah didn't think Toby could do so but groaned a little. However, she sighs, relaxing first, knowing the three must go key hunting after grocery shopping. In a little while, the trio arrived at the grocery store in their long walk to town together. On their search, they were able to get many fresh foods, delicious drinks, very fresh fruit, and vegetables, along with good bread, hot chocolate, whipped cream, marshmallows, ice creams of different flavors, and a lot of supplies for their house cleaning, repairing and organizing tasks. Hannah also found gloves to buy for herself, Kira, and Lyra as they seemed to have the colors purple, blue, pink, and white-blue. She also got something special for Kira and Lyra as a thank-you gift to them for all of the help and advice they gave her. The girls even bought some things: fresh dog food and pet medicine for even the little wolf pup, as Kira knew they had him having a check-up someday in the plan.

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