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Mysteries of another dimension have been told to all the children to avoid going there because of a horrifying monster living in its domain. Still, to one who risked all her life to save the many stuck in the dimension, our tale begins here... at the beginning. A long time ago, in this dimension of a kind of unknown universe, a variety of beautiful young women once lived. She was young for her appearance to be likely how women in her realm once lived in their time; she stroked her fingers through her hair blonde and light teal green hair; her eyes were a bright blue, with a mix of gold within her eyes, her skin was normally pale, like white as snow, and soft to the touch. She wore a pair of tear-shaped diamond earrings on her ears and a necklace with a locket around her neck. The top half of her dress was silvery white, the shirt part with gold and yellow thread on the sleeves and a broch in gold and green, her long dress skirt in a crimson color like a rose color. To make her have seen her before or not, she wore this beautiful dress, and to it, this made her look royalty, like a princess to anyone who'd seen her. This woman was in her early 20s of her age, and she was now humming a song while creating her newest dolls.

The doll-making room was as huge as a library study room, the shelves filled with dolls of different kinds of children dressed in all the seven continents of the Earth, and even stuffed animals real or from fairytales like dragons, unicorns, and fairies. In some glass cases were giant stuffed animals of wolves, bears, and other races of mystical beasts that were sadly found killed by hunters; on the table where she worked was a massive collection of sowing needles, thread, and even thumb bells to help her in work, with a magnifying glass stand and a candle lamp to help her see. But today, the young woman was making the new dolls... a little more special to her; these were two special ones that she drove around human size, taller than humans in truth, and she was preparing to give them life. This young lady's name, with her beautiful features and very pure, kind heart, was Roselette Stargate. She was humming a lullaby she grew to love in childhood, even while making dolls of the children in the real world, to care for them in her domain as dolls and to help restore their lives, happiness, emotions, and family connections. It was a special duty for Roselette to help many unfortunate to feel healed and free from despair and hate of their mind falling into darkness and sadness. Soon, Roselette sews the two perfect black button eyes on the dolls to complete each while gazing upon her work.

Roselette Stargate: There we go... Perfect, they're both safely done. They're both ideal and more human-like than I thought. Will you become real like me? I shouldn't think of strange thoughts; it is time to rest and brew something to drink and eat.

Roselette places her scissors and needle down on the table as she stands up; she brushes her skirt off from the dust before soon leaving towards the door. But before opening the door, she soon heard something like... a finger cracking or body shifting sound from the table. Roselette then turned and looked at the still dolls, or so she first thought. Soon, one of the dolls moved the purple doll with black tendrils-like hair with neon color patterns. Roselette was quickly surprised to see the door slowly coming to life as she made him first.

Roselette Stargate: Oh my of the dolls is... is coming to life. *she walks about three steps closer to look at the long-haired doll* This is... your first moment. *she smiles at him and slowly holds his hands* There, young one. It's okay; let me help you get a perfect start in standing before walking.

It slowly stood up, still stumbling. It was a bit taller, but Roselette was careful and slowed to help the doll stand. Soon, with one step, it fell onto her, still not used to walking. This made the doll jolt in shock at first, but Roselette was calm and smiling softly at the doll.

Roselette: It's okay; only some get it right. Come now, let's try again.

The young woman understood the doll in learning the steps to walk. She looked up at him, and while holding his hands, she carefully walked backward to help her doll move while also looking behind her to see where she was going. The doll was nervous at first, once more as a newborn child learning to walk. But, looking at Roselette gently smiling at him, the doll began to follow and slowly walk with his creator. For the 4-minute start, he took his first deep breath and tried again to walk. After a few steps within 13 minutes, the doll slowly began to walk independently.

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