Chapter 4 ~ The Garden Of Other-Wonderworld, And The Mysterious Attic's Circus

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Hannah went back to the little door like on her first night, and she saw the little creatures holding the cheese through the tunnel; Hannah then carefully followed them as she crawled through once again. She still felt terrible that her friends Kira and Lyra did not awake to see them or follow Hannah with her to the other world. Hannah then walks out the door to the Other Wonderworld again as she gets up, dusting her pajamas. Hannah looks for the little birds that crawl before her. She can then hear chirping sounds as she walks to the kitchen, seeing Balan cooking different meals with pancakes and scrambled eggs. It was like he was cooking breakfast for dinner, but he also was surrounded by little birds.

Balan: *soon sees Hannah and smiles* Welcome back, Hannah. Thank you for giving the tims some cheese for our dinner. But why do you feel sad? Did something happen?

Hannah: Tims? *she looks to the little birds as she hops around Balan* I didn't know the birds were called Tim. And... my friends want to visit but fell asleep...

Balan: Oh dear, I am sorry your friends couldn't come to meet us. *soon gently pets Hannah in a comforting way* Don't worry, maybe they will come within the morning to join you, and we all can meet on excellent terms. It'll allow you to feel less lonely and no more stressed when you think about it. Dinner won't be ready soon as it'll take longer. In the meantime, can you help Lance in the garden? He can need an extra pair of hands to help.

Hannah: Garden? Okay, sure, but I didn't have time to garden back home.

Balan: It's alright, my dear. Lance happily can teach you all his knowledge of how we do our gardens here. And be sure to let him eat one of these strawberries if you both feel hungry. *offers Hannah a few strawberries for her and Lance to eat while working in the garden* Now hurry, and remember to wear gloves, boots, and a garden apron when heading to the backyard. Don't wanna have dirty hands~ *happily smiles to Hannah*

Hannah nods and eats one of the strawberries in her hand; she then moans in delight at how juicy and right it tastes. And so, Hannah went to the garden doing as Balan told her before in leaving the house. After putting on the boots, she grabbed the garden gloves and apron from the hanging hook. Once ready, Hannah went to the backyard, looking at the garden ahead of her. Then, she opened the gates and saw hummingbirds flying around her as the park started to open up with many gentle and colorful lights, with the four hummingbirds flying around her again. Hannah gasped in awe, seeing the garden lighting up while looking around. She even saw a frog pop out of hiding to crock at her. Hannah began to giggle a little, liking this very much. She soon hears Lance calling out to her as he is walking beside a tractor that looks like a kind of praying mantis with its eyes shining bright.

Lance: Hello, Hannah; welcome back! *gently smiles at Hannah in waving to her*

Hannah: I love your garden!

Lance: Thanks, and it's our garden together.

The tractor soon shoots some seeds to the ground, causing many more flowers to appear before Hannah's eyes. She'd even smelled them and seen them very sweet. Hannah smiles at this, but unaware of her, she suddenly starts to feel herself getting tickled by her feet first. She fell in laughing as she saw snapping dragon flowers ticking her, which caused her to land on the ground and laugh cutely.

Hannah: *she squeaks and falls* S-S-Stop ticking me! *and burst out laughing*

Lance heard Hannah giggling and laughing as he flew over to help her.

Lance: Oh! A young damsel in distress. *he then smiles to fly over to Hannah as more flowers bloom and glow simultaneously* Here I come to save you.

Hannah: O-Okay O-Okay, p-p-please stop! *she giggles and catches her breath while trying to get out of the tickly flowers' reach*

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