Chapter 3 ~ Meeting The Neighbors, And The Warning

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In the kitchen, the girls were having breakfast together. The breakfast was stacks of pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, Saugus, scrambled eggs, toast with butter and honey, and even a muffin filled with chocolate chips while having a good cup of tea to help them wake up. As Kira ate her plateful breakfast, Lyra saw Hannah drawing the things she saw last night's experience, including her remembering the little bird creature she followed. The drawings and pictures of the dolls, Balan and Lance, were beautiful.

Lyra: Um, Hannah? What are you drawing?

Hannah: Oops, hehe. *realized that she was busy drawing; she'd almost forgotten her breakfast and decided to do that first* Sorry, Lyra, I was drawing for what I saw in my dream; it felt genuine.

Lyra: Really? Wow, these all look amazing. But I'd never seen dolls of human size or with buttoned eyes.

Kira soon stood up and looked at the drawings, too. As she does, she feels confused, a little like Lyra.

Kira Yukimura: Me neither, but it's a big surprise to hear about them and their world; it's like ours but sort of different simultaneously.

Hannah: Yes, even though it looks like my house, they said it was their home, too. That still has left me very confused.

Kira Yukimura: *starting to think of this at first* Hmm...maybe it could illustrate the house's magic or something new discovered. Can we stay up with you, Hannah, to see if the door isn't bricked up like last night?

Lyra: I might be odd to stay up all night for this. I am interested in the Other Wonderworld. What do you think it'll eat? I know birds usually eat bugs, worms, and bird seeds.

Hannah: Hmm, I'm still determining. Maybe I'll leave out the cheese or something. Are you sure you'd want to stay up? It might be a long time for us to stay awake.

Kira Yukimura: Well, Hannah, if your dream is accurate, we shall all see if it's real.

Lyra nodded with a smile in agreement with Kira. After breakfast, the girls began to walk with Hannah and meet the neighbors Kira and Lyra mentioned. The first was the neighbor in the attic because Kira usually delivers the mail to those living in the attic and the basement. It was long before Hannah moved into the house. That Kira was able to help give Hannah some heads-up, just in case.

Kira Yukimura: ... Okay, now that you know the info, let's begin. The first stop is the neighbor upstairs. Let's see if the man upstairs is home.

Hannah nods, agreeing to Kira and seeing Lyra opening the door. The girls walk out the door, but Hannah stops and almost knocks over some mail. She looks confused, picks it up, and reads the address on the letters to see who they belong to. Some of the correspondence says of the name "Alexander Amberson." In contrast, the rest says of the phrases "Nickaloi and William September," as there are two letters for Hannah, Kira, and Lyra each. Hannah softly smiles, getting some letters honestly, as she places her notes in her purse to read them later.

Hannah: Alright, let's give the neighbors their letters since we're going to meet them in the first place

Kira Yukimura: Don't worry, you'll love meeting them. Let's start with the attic and then the basement.

Lyra: Good idea. Let's meet with Alexander.

Hannah: Yeah, but... I do hope he isn't rude or abusive type.

Lyra: Alexander isn't either of those at all; he is very kind and honest. Plus, he also tells amazing stories.

With that, the girls soon climb up the stairs to the attic to meet the neighbor, Alexander, who lived there. When they arrived, Kira knocked on the door three times to call out for the young man.

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