Chapter 18: Kenzo and Elias

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"You're quite the persistent type... What do you want from me?"

Elias grabbed a seat and sat in front of him. What a nuisance, Kenzo thought. "You're the new kid and I want to be friends with you. What's the problem?"

With his arms crossed, "The problem here is that I barely know you and you barely know me. How could we be friends?"

"Well, we can start off by introductions-"

"Just shut up."

Elias gave out a chuckle and dropped his bag down, "Why aren't you going home then? It's been ten minutes since the bell rang."

"... I'll go soon."

"When is 'soon', Kenzo?"

This guy was weird. Kenzo had been getting strange stares from him ever since he came to school. And his only habit was being the last person to stay after school. He gave him a look of judgment and slowly slid his stuff into his backpack. "Um, now."

"Oh, I didn't mean for you to leave!" He got up and took his bag from him, "I feel like we could relate."

"Dude, can I just rest in peace? My family is a fucking mess and that's why I don't want to go home. You can call me an outsider because that's all I really am." He sat back down and sighed out of regret, "Ugh, why did I bother telling you?"

Slowly, the weird boy gave a smile to his words. Kenzo thought he got even weirder after that. The boy stood up and patted his head, "You're just like me, after all."

He glanced up at his face, "Huh?"

"We should hang out together after school. But I take music lessons on Fridays and French classes on Mondays then Chinese on Tuesday-"

"Woah, woah, woah. I didn't agree to any of this. How are you like me, Elias?" Kenzo stood up and shoved his seat into the desk, "You're the class president, high grades, popular, and positive. You don't have any problems. You're nothing like me."

His smile disappeared. He exhaled and shoved his face into his arms. "And that's why we should get to know each other because you don't know anything about me. This is step one, Kenzo. I may not be what I appear on the outside, and you're the first person that's been giving this familiar vibe."

"... You really want to be friends with someone like me?"

He nodded.

"Okay, fine. Now will you stop bothering me after school?"

He shrugged, "Hm, sure. Let's make a bet then."


"If I really become good friends with you, you're going to pursue music and forget your parents."

Kenzo slightly backed away with a look of shock, "How the hell did you know I do music?!"

"Your parents are well known business owners. And I might've done a little stalking-" He cleared his voice, "I mean, research."

"And what if you don't win this stupid bet?"

Elias paused, "I never lose, what do you mean?"

"... I said, what if?"

"I never really thought about it." He continued after having a moment to think, "I guess I'll never let you pursue music."

Kenzo scoffed at him, "Then you've already lost."

"We haven't started the game yet." He gave a confident smirk, "Trust me, Kenzo. You're going to regret what you said to me."

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