Chapter 17: Friendly

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"What's taking this man so long!"

The older man grumbled, "I have places to be, young sir."

"Hurry up!"

"Um, hello-" The cashier peeked up from his cap after waiting a good enough time, "Sir, can I get you anything? You're waiting up the line."

Ethan unraveled his wallet with a reply, "Oh, yeah, I would like to put cash in the drink please."

"... Pardon?"


"You said you wanted to put cash in the... the drink?"

"Oh, shoot!" He chuckled out of embarrassment and pulled out some dollars, "Sorry, I have a lot of things going on in my mind it seems. I'll take a chocolate chip frappuccino with extra syrup please!"

The cashier laughed back while receiving the money. He smiled at him and handed the receipt, "Thank you, sir. You can wait over there."

"Thanks! Have a good one." He mumbled under his breath as he crumpled the paper into his hand, "God, that was embarrassing..."

Rico grasped him on the shoulder and peeked at his crushed receipt, "My friend, what are you so angry about?"

Ethan turned back and bursted out in laughter, "You should've heard what I said!"

"Heh, what?"

"I said to the cashier that I wanted to put cash in my drink!" Ethan flushed in embarrassment, "It is actually stupid the more I think about it..."

"Pft- Bahahaha!" Rico joyfully exhaled, "Such a funny man, Ethan! You need to take a break!"


Lucia popped up behind them with an impatient face, "What's taking so long? ... You guys are really loud, you know?"

Rico sighed frustratedly as he saw the sight of her, "It doesn't hurt to wait. Mios... They are underpaid workers."

He agreed, "Yeah. Plus, they're probably stressed out teenagers. They can take their time."

"Hm, okay then. I'm just used to getting my drinks in a second."

"Spoiled much-"

"Shut it, Rico!"

Ethan sighed, "Don't start again, please. I heard enough during the car ride."

Rico let go of his shoulder and sipped his coffee very aggressively, "Well, if someone didn't take an extra twenty minutes finding her phone and realizing it was in her pocket the whole time, I wouldn't be pissed!"

"Okay, but what about you stressing me out the whole time and you didn't bother to help me out?"

"Guys, just shut up!" He grabbed his drink as it was called and looked back at them, "We have a whole day ahead of us for fun."

"Yeah, of us running away from crazy fans and paparazzi." Lucia laughed loudly as she pointed to the windows.

Rico included with a soft chuckle, "Pft, what's new?"

"Hah... right."


"I'll go and get the stage prepped guys. Come in around half an hour." Alec exited the room, her humming faded down as she walked.

"Ugh." I flopped down to the couch and sighed out of exhaustion. "Cedric is setting too much for me..."

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