He looked up from the birth certificate and saw the girl, Alec, asleep on the kitchen island. He rubbed his hand tiredly over his face as he sat halfway on the barstool, his eyes fixed on the sleeping young girl. What is he supposed to do with her? He was a freaking werewolf! He wasn't cut out to raise a child. But what were his options? Maybe he could find Cordelia before it was too late. After staring at the young girl for fifteen minutes, he decided to watch the memories first. He picked up the young girl, and the girl snuggled in his chest like it was something she always did.

He frowned when he kicked open the door to his small second bedroom. It was being used as a storage room; with piles of boxes stacked against the walls. With great difficulty, trying not to wake little Alec, he took his wand out of his holster and transfigured one of the boxes into a small bed. He placed the girl softly on the bed and scavenged through the boxes to search for his spare blankets. When he found a red and blue checkered one, he covered the girl and walked out of the room.

He picked up the little trunk from the ground next to the chair Alec fell asleep in and put it on the kitchen counter. With a tap of his wand, the chest enlarged to one of Hogwarts' school trunks. His fingers went over the initials, it was Cordelia's old trunk. Remus and the others all knew Cordelia from school. They weren't close as she was a year ahead of them and she was in Ravenclaw, but they were familiar. They grew closer after school, when Cor joined the order, especially with Sirius. Remus believes if they had the time, they would've fallen in love with each other. They cared for each other greatly, and Sirius wanted her to be safe. So, he agreed with Dumbledore to send her away, for her own safety. Cor was angry and fought them with everything she had, but she was made by one of the death eaters one night. That was when she reluctantly agreed to go into hiding. Sirius promised to come back for her, but then all hell broke loose. Now Voldemort was defeated, Lilly, James, and Peter were dead. Sirius was in prison, and Remus was left all alone. Not so alone anymore as he has a four-year-old girl in his spare room.

He inhaled deeply as he clicked open the trunk. He saw the stack of letters neatly tied together with a piece of string on top of some clothes. He smiled at the stuffed dog, which looked a lot like Padfoot, and placed it on the counter. That's when he saw the vial full of memories floating around. He studied it up close before he put the vial down and picked up the stuffed dog. He walked back to his spare room and softly pushed the door open. The girl was still peacefully asleep, and he placed the dog in her arms. Alec turned around and snuggled close to the dog. Once she was lying still again, he crouched down next to her. He looked over his shoulder and summoned another vial. With a trembling breath, he placed his wand on her temple and pulled out the memory Cordelia had put ready from him. The girl didn't even stir and with a firm grasp on the vial, he stood back up and walked out of the room, leaving the door ajar.

He paced the living room, his eyes going back to the vials on the counter. He needed a pensieve. He knew Dumbledore had one, but he wasn't in the mood to explain Alec's situation to him. Honestly, he was afraid he might take her away like he did Harry. He wasn't sure if he was going to keep her, but he wouldn't want her to be placed with muggles who wouldn't understand her. He stopped pacing when he remembered Sirius had one in Grimmauld place. He was already one foot in the fireplace when he stopped. Shit! I can't leave her alone. He started pacing again, he needed to see those memories, to see what had happened. Who could he contact? He was running his hands through his hair so much it was standing in every direction. He stopped in his tracks as an idea popped into his head.

"Of course." He mumbled before he headed to the front door. He didn't walk far just across the hall and knocked on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal his elderly neighbour, Beatrice.

"Remus, hello. Did you need any more sugar?" She smiled sweetly.

"No, Beatrice." He smiled back. "My niece is visiting, but I forgot to take her backpack. Do you mind keeping an eye on her? She's already asleep, and it wouldn't take more than half an hour."

"You know I would love to do it, but my son will pick me up in about five minutes to go to the doctor." She said a little sadly.

"No worries, thank you." Remus smiled. "I hope you feel better." He nodded his head briskly and walked back into his flat. He was pacing in his hallway. He could hear the little girl breathing in the spare room. With a frown, he suddenly walked over to the basket full of muggle magazines. He had seen something in it that might be of use. He flickered quickly through the magazines and grinned when he found it. He grabbed a blanket from his couch and studied the picture carefully before he transfigured the blanket. He looked at the magazine again with a crease between his eyes as he tried to figure out how to put it on. It took him nearly ten minutes before he had figured it out, now putting little Alec in it... He walked over to the spare room and pulled the blanket off the girl. He picked her up gently trying not to wake her, her stuffed dog still firmly in her little hands. With great effort, he wrapped the "toddler carrier" or whatever it was called, over Alec's back and put the sturdy straps over his shoulders. He couldn't reach the clasp on the back, so he used his wand to fasten it up. He shifted her legs a little, so she was "sitting" comfortably, her head resting on his chest.

He took in a deep breath, one arm tightly around her just to be safe and he apparated out of the flat. He landed a little wobbly on the steps but straightened himself out before he tripped. He looked down at the girl, to check if she was okay. But she was still sleeping soundly against his chest. He looked back up and took in the large beaten-up black door before he tried the door handle. To his surprise, the door opened. Maybe it was because he was carrying Alec, a Black heir. He slowly stepped into the dark hallway and looked around.

"Kreacher?" He called out as he covered the girl's ears. No answer. "Thank Merlin." He mumbled to himself as he walked further into the house.

He knew the house would be empty, as Sirius's mother, Walburga would be at her weekly pure-blood fanatics meeting. He quickly made his way to the library and began to rummage in the large closet. He sighed in relief as he found the portable pensieve. He reduced the pensieve until it fit into his pocket. When he turned around, his eyes widened, his hand stroking the girl's head in an instant. The Black family tapestry had changed once again. Remus's eyes found Sirius's scorch mark, but right under his was a brand-new branch.

Alexandra Fae Black.

There was no denying it any longer, it was now with 100% certainty she was Sirius'. His brows gathered at the thought that Walburga must've seen the new addition on the tapestry, as it would appear on itself the day she was born. Maybe she tried to look for her but couldn't find her due to the safe house and not knowing who the mother was. Or maybe she didn't want anything to do with a kid that Sirius fathered. Either way, the old hag wasn't getting her hands on her. His eyes lingered for another minute on her name before he quickly apparated out of the house.

He put on the extra muggle locks for safety on the door, once he arrived home and enlarged the pensieve when he placed it on his coffee table. He placed Alec back in the bed and covered her with a blanket. Once he was sure that she wouldn't wake up, he walked back to the living room. He poured Cordelia's vial into the pensieve, making the liquid cloudy and silver in the scale. He shook his hands nervously loose next to him before he leaned down.

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