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Clare's house
Clare opened her eyes to the first lights in the morning and, for the first time in a few days, she really felt at home. Steve's arms girded her while he was still asleep. Nothing had happened, they had spent the whole night like this, hugging and dressed. They had returned from the After Dark rather early, they had exchanged a kiss on the lips and nothing more, the girl had laid down on the bed, he by her side, whispering "good night". She didn't seem to have slept for centuries, she slowly freed herself from Steve's arms, being careful not to wake him up, and went to the kitchen. Of course, his father's death was too recent and the pain could not disappear with a night of cuddles. But surely, knowing that she didn't have to face that monster alone, instilled her courage and even the penalty seemed a less heavy burden to bear. She prepared breakfast with a rich tray with freshly toasted bread, a jar of Butter, a couple of fruit jams, assorted cookies and a carafe of pineapple juice.
"Wake up sleepy, breakfast is ready"
Steve took a few seconds before realizing where and with whom he was.
"Good morning Clare - he sat on the bed - how did you sleep?"
"I haven't slept so well in a while – she kiss him on the lips – thank you"
Steve smiled "It was a pleasure"
"I made you breakfast"
"You did well, I'm hungry..."
Clare took Steve's hand and placed it on her own thigh "Do you have an appetite?"
"A lot"
"What do you prefer first"
Steve was amused "you choose"
Beach House
Valerie had gotten up a little later. The adrenaline of the inauguration had not made her turn a blind eye, until dawn or so. She had decided to skip the morning jog, she didn't have the time. She had to first go to the bank to deposit The collection of the night before, which she had preferred not to leave. The employees were new, she still didn't trust many of them. Then she would have to go to the club and prepare for the new events. There was no precise musical planning, David would have done the dj set. They hadn't actually had time to work on a real billboard, but Silver hadn't thought he won and decided to take the reins of the evening; Valerie trusted. She got ready and from the car called the partner.
"Good morning, have you woke you up?"
"I was really going out; Steve didn't come back tonight and Brandon came out very early. So I didn't have to make the usual queues of the last few days, for bathing and breakfast. I'm ready"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to the club to prepare some things for the evening"
"Ah well, I'll stop by the bank and join you"
"Perfect, see you later"
David hung up, got into the car and called Donna. Who didn't answer. Either she was busy or she was doing the things hard. Although Felice tried to comfort her and tell her that he was not the right man for her (after all, it was no secret that the mother-in-law had never been very nice); he thought he would try again later. He arrived at the venue and began to arrange cables and musical equipment. Valerie arrived after about an hour
"I find you sweaty"
"I would like to see you, in this heat, lifting weights and various tools"
"Yes, of course; if you need me, I'm in my office. Maybe I have a contact for tomorrow night."
Valerie entered her office, David followed her.
"Sorry Val, but am I not the artistic director? I'm not the one who has to take care of selecting and approving the music groups?"
"There is no doubt about this, but since you are busy today's evening, I thought I'd give you a hand and put a name on the billboard already tonight, so as to get us through the job; but if you want to think about it, I'll give you the contact and work on it" she handed him a note. David read it, it was an emerging rap duo, originally from New York, but at that time in Los Angeles; he thought it was a reminiscence of life in the great Apple.
"No Val, sorry. That's fine, I thank you. I know them, they're good, it's okay with me. But take care of it, tomorrow I will resume my role. Today I'm content to be an artist," he smiled.
"Are you all right, David? You seem a little tired to me"
"Well, the evening was busy, then I didn't sleep, then... Donna, yes, you know. It's not easy and there's my son"
"I guess, can I help you in any way?"
"You're already doing it; I'm going back to work"
"Okay, see you later," Valerie watched him come out. She wanted David and made her suffer to see him so tired.
"I order something for lunch, Japanese; do you want something?"
"Yes, thank you Val," David smiled again.
They spend their lunch listening to Bob Marley and eating Japanese.
"Reggae and Japanese, what a combo!"
"Yes - Valerie smiled - but in New York I started listening to very varied music. Buffalo Soldier is my favorite"
"Who knows why"
"Yeah, who knows"
The phone rang Donna.
"Hello, sorry, I was at work and couldn't answer. Did you want anything?"
"Just knowing how Ethan is"
"Well, the fever has passed him. David, you'll get a letter from my lawyer"
"Are we at this point?"
"It's not a path I chose"
"Yes, I guess, say hello Felice" and hung up, putting his chopsticks in the bowl
'Problems?' Asked the girl
"My mother-in-law is getting on a tight leg in my separation, but I expected it. I just hope my son isn't put in the way more than he already is"
"If you need anything – Val stood up and put a hand on David's shoulder – you can count on me"
David looked her straight in the eye "Thank you Valerie"
The girl looked away "Now I have to go, sorry but I have an appointment with a manager"
"Of course, see you tonight?"
"Okay, bye" and went out rushing the step and taking the bag. She got behind her car and headed home. She had no date, but she realized that the tones with David were turning dangerously. In other times she would not have missed that opportunity. But she had just come out of a very equivocal situation with Steve and Clare, her name was already burdened by the episodes that had characterized her last visit to Los Angeles (not to mention the memory everyone had of her because of her attitude in her first stay in California). She had no desire to be entangled in the separation of the Silver family. Especially considering that this separation was due to David's choice to follow her in business and Donna's consequent jealousy. If David had now thrown himself into her bed, she would have agreed with the now ex-wife, she would have passed for stealing (again) and there would have been economic consequences even on the divorce. Too much money, better to take a cold shower and leave the relationship with David on a professional level. She was sure of it and even though she liked Silver damn much, even though the one with him had been one of the most important relationships she had ever had, the timing was absolutely wrong. No no, better let it go. She continued to torture her, all the way to the sea. And yet...
Andrea's house
Andrea got into Philipe's car, greeted him with a kiss on the lips.
"Doctor good evening"
"Doctor, you are getting more and more beautiful"
"you are a gentleman, but you have good taste I have to say" she smiled "Where are we going?"
"I don't know, do you have any preferences?"
"After Dark"
Andrea walked up to Philipe's lips and spoke "Tonight my friend David plays, I'd love to see him. Let's stay for an hour, and then we'll go by you" she smiled, coming out of the bag a toothbrush "I only brought this for the night"
"Exhilating; David, let's get there" and they went away.
On the way Dr. Carson told Andrea that he had met his friends in the hospital.
They arrived at the club, the queue was always present, although not the same as the night before. They managed to enter the ten-minute period and saw David tinkering on the stage.
"Hi guys" behind them was Valerie.
"Hi Val, then? How was the evening yesterday?"
"A real success, Andrea. We are very satisfied. We hope to do well tonight too"
"David is good, you'll see that everything will go for the best"
"I'm sure of that. Brandon? Did you see it?"
"Not yet..., why?" Answered Valerie
Andrea smiled nervously "No, nothing. I'm going to get something at the bar"
"ok" Valerie was not convinced of that answer. Brandon seemed very elusive from Valerie's new return to Los Angeles. Surely it was Kelly's fault, who beyond any appearance, had never been able to stand her. And now that they had come back together permanently, it forced him not to have any kind of relationship with her. She was sure of it.
David had changed in the meantime and started playing. Valerie realized that the influx was well managed, every mechanism was well oiled, although it was only on the second evening. They had made good staff selections. She decided to relax and enjoy the show, at least part of it. After a while, she saw Andrea and his partner walk away and leave the club, decidedly cheerful; "good for them" she thought and continued to watch David, sipping a Whisky on the rock. David was definitely comfortable on the stage, the audience followed him and the track had filled up quickly. That evening was also a success. Later, in David's office, the man had just come out of the shower with his hand dryer tied around his waist and a small towel with which he mistreated his hair.
"Bravo David, you were really good" Valerie was waiting for him in one of the office chairs, still with the glass in her hand
"Thank you Val, you assisted"
"Almost the whole concert" Val got up and placed the glass on the desk, looking distractedly around
"Given that we didn't spend the money on the engagement of a group, it went even better than last night; thanks to you"
David was flattered "Thank you Val; but why haven't you been engaged in anything else?"
"The club was running well, Even though you were able to catalyze my attention." David noticed that Valerie was looking at him insistently
"I understand. The guys? Did anyone come?"
"Andrea, with her new partner."
"Well, finally that girl seems to have found a man she likes"
"She's not the only one" Valerie approached David
"Val, you drank"
"Yes, but not that much" she gave him a soft kiss on the lips, David couldn't help it. He didn't want to avoid it.
"Valerie, it's too complicated a time for me"
Valerie walked away, as if back in herself "Yes, I know. I understand that. I also said it and said it again"
"To whom?"
"To myself, to whom else? Who do you want me to listen to?"
"As if you didn't have friends"
"I don't have David, none. Maybe Steve, but even there I can ruin everything; you are the only one, who has always been by my side. David Silver, the only man who has always accepted me for who I am"
"Yes Val, it's true. I love you"
"I love you too. But is it just friendship, David?"
The man had never asked himself this question. Surely he had loved the beautiful Malone in the past. And during her last incursion to LA he had brought him back to life, as was often repeated without making too much noise. She was able to access his senses and intellect. Valerie was the fire, the adrenaline, the vibration in life. How not to admit it?
"Val, this is not the time for me to ask myself these questions. I'm not saying it's absolutely wrong. Do you understand this?"
Valerie took the glass from her desk, took a sip finishing the contents
"Yes David, I know, I understand, I've already told you. Maybe Donna was right. This company is not a good idea" and she came out of the room first and then the club.
She also had the right to chase her heart, without waiting for circumstances to make it possible. She thought she was always the wrong person, in the wrong place at the wrong time. She got home, turned off the car and went in by throwing her bag on the sofa. She opened the refrigerator, took a beer and sat down on the patio, listening to the waves of the sea breaking on the beach.
David, hands in his pockets, advanced into the penumbra
"What are you doing here? The place?"
"I left the keys to Maria, Maria is smart"
"What about the collection?"
'In the safe'
"What do you want, David?"
"Oh my God, but why are you turning to me in this way? What do you want from me?"
"Why did you come?" Recap the question Valerie.
"Because I don't feel like letting you go that way. I don't feel like saying goodbye like that. I don't feel like above all that you can think that our society is a mistake or that I don't care about you; I care a lot about you." Valerie Listened in silence "You've arrived, better, you've come back into my life in a disruptive way. David help me find a house, David pick me up at the airport, David here, David there"
"Here, David leave me alone and leave" she drank from the bottle; David snatched it from her hand and looking at her, he also took a sip
"You have to listen to me; you're right, there's probably more than just a friendship between us, there's always been something going any further. But you left, the first and second time. And here I had my family, my wife. Now things are changing, maybe too fast. I don't want to make a new mistake, I don't want to follow my instincts, maybe because of the storm that is happening in my life. I don't want to hurt you"
Valerie listened "So don't bother me. Don't make me feel guilty about something I've never done"
"But I never did, Val."
"Maybe you're right, maybe I'm the one who feels guilty, I always make the worst choice – the girl began to cry, slowly – and then regret it and be alone. Alone David, completely alone"
"You're not, Valerie. You've never been," David hugged her.
"Now you better go"
Valerie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and smiled
"Do you want me to stay?"
"No, no need, see you tomorrow at the office"
"Okay, see you tomorrow" he gave her a kiss on the lips, quick, but he was able to warm her up. And without turning around, he left the patio.
McKay's house
"Bren It's all right?" He had heard the shower water open and never close. It generally took 15/20 minutes at most. And she generally invited him too.
Brenda was sitting above the toilet, yet another test in her hand.
Negative test.
This time she was just sure. They had done everything they had been asked for. Followed the treatments. Taken the medication. Nothing.
Brenda was crying in silence over that desperation she could no longer contain.
She heard Dylan call her and shut up the water.
"Yes, one minute"
When she opened the door to Dylan, not many words were needed.
"Brenda" he sighed.
"I know, I know," she said, "maybe it's not fate"
He hugged her.
He had consumed all the words he possessed to make her feel better but nothing had worked, but he could understand Brenda deeply. Now more than ever. Now that the test results had been brought by Andrea in closed envelopes that Dylan could not open. He imagined that he had brought the same envelope to Brandon, perhaps even before him, and that maybe he and Kelly had opened it but the phone was silent and this did not make any guess.
"Maybe you should open it," Brenda said, wiping the dry tears she carried with her.
"I don't know, Bren, I can't deal with this thing yet."
"I'm afraid you'll have to do it Dylan and I could share this with you. But I can't. You have to do it just as my brother will have to do it. Do you want me to call him?"
"No" Dylan shook his head.
He watched the envelope long then grabbed it under Brenda's worried eyes.
He opened it by tearing the side flaps that he dropped to the ground. He opened the folded sheet.
Dylan didn't say a word, even in this case there was no need, he held his head enough. It wasn't uncommon to see Dylan cry, he was an emotional, one who pulled emotions out, spilled them everywhere. And whoever was in front of him had to deal with it.
Brenda sat by his side.
"I'm not the father," he just said.
Brenda squeezed him harder because she wanted to stop with her hands that pain that looked a lot like hers. It was very close.
"it's gonna be ok" whispered Brenda
Someone was at the door
"I don't want to see anyone," Dylan said, getting up and taking refuge in the bedroom.
Brenda went to open.
Brandon and Kelly had preferred to go in person rather as to call.
"Guys he doesn't want to see anyone," Brenda tried to protect him.
Brandon looked down "please" sighed.
Brenda opened the door so that she would allow them to enter.
Brandon followed the torn envelope on the table.
Dylan knew how he knew.
Brenda, Brandon and Kelly exchanged a look of embarrassment.
"Did you receive the results?"
Brandon nodded his head.
"So I'm a double aunt" said Brenda hinting at a smile "normally I'd be happy, it's a part of me it is" she said hugging her brother "but Dylan is destroyed, he didn't take it very well.
"Is it okay with you if I go talk to him?" Kelly asked giving a look of understanding to Brandon.
Brenda watched her for a few seconds. An intense look.
Brenda nod yes with her head and was left alone with her brother hugging him tightly. Brenda had no faults to give and anger to distribute
Kelly knocked weakly at Dylan's door "I know you're back there," she said, "and I also know I'm the last person you'd like to talk to now. I don't blame you for being mad at me. Really. I don't know if you'll be able to forgive me. It's only my fault. Not to tell the truth right away, out of fear, was a terrible mistake. Because it didn't just get through my life, Brandon's and yours, but Sammy too. That he still doesn't know anything and I don't even know how to explain it to him, that my life was such a disaster."
Kelly took a few moments carefully choosing the words "But Dylan, I came to thank you, for every single day you have dedicated to us, Sammy loves you very much and it's not his fault what happened. Take it with me, if you want, that's right, I understand it, but don't separate you from him, you can still be part of his life and Brandon's. If necessary, I'll take a step back. Dylan, our life has not been easy, we come from rich realities yes, but full of loneliness. You once told me that the rehabilitation bracelet you were wearing wouldn't allow you to judge anyone. I don't want you to be too strict with yourself, because you're a good father. You have been. And I realized I never thanked you. Now my life is no longer that mess, I don't know for what miracle we both found a way. And that road holds up. It expands. It got strong. Idon't even know if I'll be able to get back on the relationship with Brandon, because it's not easy for him either. But know that I will do my best, that I will do everything to make Sammy grow up as a good person. Don't be angry with yourself. Be angry with me if anything but not with yourself."
Nothing moved beyond the room. Dylan was motionless. He had listened to every word. But he didn't have the strength to open the door. Not at that time.
"I love you Dylan." She concluded. She stroked the door and then left.
Dylan only went out hours later, when Brandon and Kelly had already left, and Brenda had also greeted him. Eh asked her some time alone... and she gave him. They were together in that Wind. She went to watch some shooting.
"Do you want to come?" She asked him.
"No bren.." this was his answer. Brenda knew when Dylan didn't want to be touched and knew he would come back alone, with his own time.
Dylan waited for the house to be totally quiet and lit by the late afternoon sun.
The torn envelope was still on the table. Laced like him.
When he came out of the room he put on his jacket and took his motorcycle.
He parking in front of the building waiting to see the car arrive.
"Mrs. Winley, can I talk to you?"
The woman was trying to carry two undisciplined folders. Dylan worked to help her.
"Thank you Mr. McKay but no, that's not the procedure. Take an appointment"
"It's really important," Dylan said, looking her in the eye, "please, five minutes. I'm just asking you that."

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